"It's so good to see you!" Elena exclaimed.

"Likewise," Oda said as she smiled and sat down beside Miguel. "Sorry to keep you waiting, dear. I was tending to my garden."

"No worries," Elena smiled.

She was grateful to be in Oda's presence.

"Miguel," Oda said. "Could you go to the garden and water the plants? I forgot to do all of them in the hurry that I was in."

Miguel nodded and disappeared around the corner. "See you, Elena."

Elena smiled at him as he left.

"So," The old lady rubbed her elbows. "Did you have any trouble getting here?"

Elena shook her head.

"Oda," Elena said. "I came here to thank you."

Oda frowned. "What for, dear?"

"What you said to me and what you taught me the night I came here, it's like I kept seeing signs everywhere. It might be silly, but I think they really were meant for me."

"Well, of course, they were," Oda grinned. "Set out for you by God himself. I didn't do anything."

"I met a boy," Elena said. "He was my tour guide and he reminds me so much of you. So wise beyond his years."

"Andreas?" Oda asked, looking up at her.

"Yes," Elena's eyes widened. "How'd you know?"

"He's my grandson."

No wonder he looks like Miguel, Elena thought.

"Well, it makes sense," Elena smiled. "The way he spoke was quite admirable and wise. He has a wonderful grandmother."

Oda nodded in appreciation. "Thank you, dear."

She folded her grass-stained hands in her lap and looked at her. "Do you believe in fate, Elena?"

Elena stopped and stared at Oda's smile. "I guess I do now. Not sure that I did before, though."

"There were signs before too. In fact, from the moment we are born, God always sends his signs to us in everything around us," Oda said. "But sometimes, we are so blinded by our problems that we forget to look around ourselves."

The old woman smiled at her through her wrinkly, sun-kissed skin. "Are you afraid?"

Elena slowly nodded her head. "I'm afraid I'll...Fail. Like I'll lose everything."

Elena looked at the little straw hut sculpture on the side table remembering the island. She thought about Andreas talking to his new set of hikers, smiling and laughing, his beautiful green eyes lighting up underneath the sun. With Andreas, she never felt afraid. 

Oda stood up slowly and grabbed her walking stick.

"Come with me," She told Elena.

She followed Oda down the hall and was led to a beautiful greenhouse in Oda's backyard. The woman opened the door for her and Elena saw Miguel smiling up at her. He had gardening gloves on as he watered the aloe vera plants. The greenhouse was like walking into the valley of flowers again from the hiking trip. It was as if Oda had brought a sliver of it to her home. Elena gasped when she saw the place. The scent of the flowers alone brought with it the feeling of the rising sun. A beautiful, monarch butterfly flew from one daisy to another. Elena found it curious that there were geodes in some of the pots. She pulled out hers from the pocket of her pants and held it up to one of the many sun rays. The place felt enchanted. Oda watched Elena's expression of awe as she ran her fingers across the petals of the lilies.

"Elena, there is nothing to be afraid of, dear. You can take anything and turn it beautiful, now that you see through unfiltered eyes. Listen carefully to the wind; it'll guide you to where you need to be," Oda said, her beady eyes squinting up at her as she cupped Elena's chin in a motherly gesture. 

Elena smiled at Oda and brought the old lady into a hug.

After bidding them goodbye, Elena got into a taxi and took off for the airport. 

As the plane reached higher altitudes, Elena tried to spot Isla de Flos before the clouds covered up too much.

Goodbye Andreas, Elena thought and sadly smiled to herself.

When she was tired enough, she fell asleep against the window, her memories of Colombia playing in her mind like a movie.


Andreas squinted towards the sun as he and Diego led another group of hikers deeper into their journey. He heard a whirring sound in the sky as a plane flew above them. 

Goodbye Elena, He thought to himself, closing his eyes and lifting his head towards the sky. Until next time.

The Boy Who Made Flowers SingWhere stories live. Discover now