Chapter 10

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Armenia POV

I throw my clothes into the suit case, angrily.

"Armenia anger isn't gonna help you" yells dad. "I don't care" I say as I try and stay mad.

"Can we please not go!" I yell as he comes into the room and leans against the door.

"I don't want to, I'll miss school" I say as he chuckles, "since when do you like school?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Shut up" I yell trying not to laugh, "Armenia were going and it's final" he says as I groan.

"But I don't want to, I hate fishing" I say as he laughs, "How do you know you don't like it if you won't even try it?" He asks.

"I don't care" I Snap back as he chuckles. "The slower you go the more days we spend" he says as I groan annoyed.

"Groaning and arguing is gonna get you no where" he says as I glare at him. "Please let's not go and just stay here" I plead.

He shakes his head no.

"Stupid cheeseballs" I mutter, "that's the best you got?" He answers chuckling. "i have lots but I can't say them" I say as he chuckles and looks out the window.

"I'm gonna go make dinner I'll be back" he says as I grumble a "fine" and "sure".

I sigh before continuing to put my clothes inside. Before I stop, mom's picture lays on my bed.

I look at it and sigh, I'm nowhere near pretty compared to her. I sigh before an idea pops into my head.


Hiccup POV

"Mom I'm just trying to connect with her that's all" I say over the phone.

"Dear, if she doesn't want to go then don't" she argues, "Mom I haven't spent much time with Armenia since Astrid left..." I say as I try and restrain myself from crying.

"Well, if you want to" says my mom as I chuckle lightly. "I have to go it's dinner time" I say as she chuckles, "well have a good afternoon dear and tell Armenia I say hi I love you guys bye!" She says as I sigh.

"Love you too bye" I say before ending the call and running a hand through my hair.

"Armenia!" I call, no answer. "Armenia!" I yell once again. Still no answer.

I furrow my brows in confusion, I walk up the stairs and walk towards Armenia's door.

I knock once. "Armenia come down for din-" I begin before I'm cut off. Armenia stands in make up and one of Astrid's old shirts and jeans.

"Sorry" she mutters looking at the floor, "Armenia take it off" I say as she looks at me.

"You don't need to wear that stuff to look beautiful, you already are" I say as she looks at me.

Those same blue eyes pierce into my heart sending stabs of pain right into it.

She runs into my arms and hugs me I hug back. "I wish mom wasn't dead" she whispers softly.

"Me too" I say as she digs her face into my shoulder crying silently.

"Come on we'll go eat dinner and sleep okay" I say as she nods.

~The Next Day~

I get up with Armenia cuddled up against me, like when she was smaller and could never sleep.

I get up and sigh. "Armenia" I whisper shaking her, "Armenia" I say before her eyes open and she yawns.

"You know we shouldn't go I get sea sick" she mutters sleepily, I chuckle.

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