Forgetting and Revisiting

Start from the beginning

I was thrown into my chair, the seat spinning, Kunikida steaming from the ears, "Do your job!!"


I groaned into my seat, fingers tapping on a keyboard leisurely and my posture halfway under the desk. Kunikida was determined to ignore my continuous noises of complaint, and by now, I was crying obnoxiously. It was bugging the rest of the office, though, and I could tell even Ranpo was getting riled up. Great – it's only a few more to go until Kunikida lets up.

I was about to open my mouth and whine when a call sounded. I stopped, much to the offices' relief, and Kunikida answered the phone.

"...It was Yosano. She and the brat have caught a Mafioso assassin. A fourteen-year-old girl, no less." My hands had long stopped typing, and I turned to face the troll-man holding the phone with a snort, "What is it with ability-wielding teenagers and being brought into this Agency?"

"Abilities? It might just be a mean fourteen-year-old." I glanced at Kenji, smiling, "There's a chance, sure, but my ability tells me that isn't the case." The boy beams, putting down his potted plant, "Oh! What ability does she have?"

"It's probably something awesome with fire! Like a superhero movie!" Kenji played along with my imagination, somehow incorporating cows somewhere along the line.

Half an hour later, plus some, Atsushi and Yosano had appeared at the entrance. I peered past them, some part of me hoping that Osamu had returned, and my optimism dropped as the door closed behind them. He's probably still there.

The girl carried with them was traditionally dressed and small. Kunikida rose from his chair, tracking after them to lecture Atsushi, and I sighed. My screen had too many words to think about. I should have gone with Osamu instead. Maybe getting tortured would be less boring than this.

My hands stopped as I pushed back my chair, turning slightly. "I'm going to chop off my hands." Leaving the chair with those words, I skipped over to where Atsushi sat, forehead wrinkled with stress as a hand gripped the bridge of his nose. "Hey!" He huffed, nose flaring in amusement, "I'm jealous you can stay calm while an unknown girl from the mafia lays in our infirmary."

"You get used to it. It's like being repeatedly smacked in the head by a cliff after jumping from it to drown in the ocean and never dying." I noticed Atsushi sweat, then tensely flick his eyes above me at the dark shadow cast on us both. I didn't face him, enjoying being defiant and waiting for an annoyed reaction.

"[Y/N] Oda." I freeze, the hairs on my arms peeling back.

"If you do not get back to that desk right now, I'm making you stay overtime, and I'll do everything in my power to keep you from hanging around Dazai during work hours." I gradually rise from my squatting, grunting and sighing as I head back to my desk. Whatever, I should act like I'm doing something, wait till Kunikida's gone, and go from there.

And then I type until I'm numb in the fingers.

My peripherals soon catch Atsushi leaving with the girl and Kunikida's eyes following my form as if to say, 'fuck you, I hate you, I'm Kunikida, and I absolutely despise kids'. Again, I'm being dramatic.

I focus on the screen again, not bothering to go back over the squiggly lines underlining my words, and then I grin. "Kenji! Do my work! I'm heading out." The boy cheerfully sat down in my chair, clicking on the brightly coloured lines and correcting my mistakes as if it were the most fascinating thing in the world.

"I knew that work ethic wouldn't be permanent." I shrugged at Yosano's remark as she occupied the doorway to her office. "I've got a brother to find."

"You have an idea as to where he's gone?" I smile, "Of course I do. He's mingling with some old friends." Yosano lifts her eyebrow, smirking at my seemingly ordinary comment, "I won't stop you. Oh, and be sure to get hurt. I've been low on patients as of late." With a wink, she waved me off. I wandered to the door casually before sprinting as soon as I arrived in the hallway.

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