Forgetting and Revisiting

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Osamu has been scheming for some time now. The waiting in his posture, his eyes scanning the environment more often, the slight, unnoticeable grinding of his jaw unless you're attuned to it, his thumb feeling over his lower lip in thought – it's something you pick up on over the years. Picking up on these small behaviours has made other people seem like open books in comparison, so I suppose it isn't all bad.

I woke up to Osamu putting on his coat and opening the door. The late-night breeze rushes in, and I freeze in my covers. I rub my eyes as I watch him exit the dorm and lock the door behind him. There's a moment of quiet before the key is posted back through the door, and I swallow the lump in my throat.

I could have followed and fulfilled my curiosity, but Osamu didn't tell me for a reason. There's no point in pursuing the thought. My co-dependency on Osamu is unhealthy, but there's nothing much I can do about it or want to change. I shouldn't interfere, so I settled for the lonely futon surrounded by empty bottles of alcohol, retiring for the night. Restlessly, I sighed.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

My eyes had opened on their own will, which is unusual for a weekday as Osamu's voice usually is what wakes me up as he threatens to take away any and all sweets.

Osamu hasn't returned home, though.

The thought sent a chill down my arms, and I sat up as the covers slipped from my torso. Unlike typical mornings, the sun had settled above the dorm, not glaring into my eyes – I could get used to that. I glance at the alarm's display, and the red numbers flash '11:00'. Next to the clock hung unironed clothes, them being mine, and I slowly began getting ready. I'm already late – what's the harm in taking my sweet time?

I was about midway through brushing my teeth when I paused – probably too dramatic for someone who is currently alone with no one to see my reaction – and the rolls of bandages above my head on a metal rack caught my eye. I spat the froth in my mouth and threw my toothbrush in the sink as my non-dominant hand reached for the gauze. A grin played on my face, eyes scanning the material and then looking at my bare arms in the mirror. It's only fair I raid his stuff, right? I mean, he left me alone.

That's how I walked into work, my body wrapped in my brother's bandages and my uniform tattered as usual, with a giddy smile.

Kunikida stormed up to me, notebook waving in his palm and his head ready to burst. "[Y/N]!! Do you have any idea what time it is?!!" I peeked behind him at the budgie clock on my desk, "...It is 12:36."

"Exactly!! Why is it now you decide to wander in here?! I swear you become more like that damned brother of yours every day. Don't tell me you spent all of that valuable time trying to wrap yourself in bandages. The—" I walked past him, the man pausing as frustration built. "Good morning, where's Atsushi? If there's no one to annoy, I think I might go insane."

"You're a bit far past that point." I deadpan, "That's mean, Ranpo."

"Atsushi is with Yosano. He's taking one for the team." I swiftly turned as I awaited the answer, almost stepping through the door, "Time to go then."

My collar was caught by a grouchy man behind me, making me choke slightly with how he dragged me back, "Kunikid—!"

"Oh no, you don't. Every square inch of your desk has gathered dust, and the paper piles are challenging Dazai's – You're staying here." I looked at what he was gesturing to, and he wasn't lying. The dust had gathered so much it was probably a health hazard. "I have an excuse, Kunikida, I promise. Just let me think of it."

"Sorry, [Y/N], but Kunikida's right. You have been slacking, and it's becoming a problem," Tanizaki gently added, eyes closing as if to apologise a million times over. I whined. "You've made a mistake. You're leading me down a dark path of revenge. I'm going to become a villain at this rate. I'll kill the next cat I come across, and it's all your fault. Kunikida, do you know where I could—"

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