Sick of it

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Avian Tommy :D
(Third POV)

It was rare to see Tommy smile these days. It was also rare to see Tommy alone. Ever since Wilbur came back he seemed stuck to Tommy's side, much to the blondes despair. Revived Wilbur, as Tommy called him, was admittedly stuck up. He blatantly disregarded everyone else's trauma while demanding his be taken into consideration in everything.

Tommy was incredibly resilient when it comes to this type of thing, he had to be with the amount of people on this server who hate his guts, but Wilbur was seriously testing him. All without armor. As if he was teasing Tommy, telling Tommy that he couldn't do anything about it.

Right now however, right now Tommy was alone. He stood in the sand staring out into the ocean, the faintest traces of a smile on his face. The sun was going down, painting the avian in reds. Waves crashed up against the shoreline, the sound causing Tommy to relax further. Winds rushed on the beach, rustling Tommy's hair and causing the torn cape Tommy used to cover his wings to spread out behind him.

Tommy's wings twitched and Tommy entertained the idea of going on a flight. In the end he decided against it, settling on stretching out his wings. They spread to their full wingspan before Tommy sighed contently and folded the wings back against his back.

It was Tommy's first peaceful moment in months. With Wilbur either following Tommy everywhere or dragging him wherever he pleases Tommy hadn't had a moment to himself. It was incredibly exhausting when Tommy could only watch Wilbur and Quackity fight as he was simultaneously ignored and forced to be there.

But today, while Wilbur and Quackity were at each other's throats in a particularly viscous argument, Tommy was able to slip away and book it to the beach.

"TOMMY! Where the hell were you!"

And of course Wilbur interrupted that peace time, "Wilbur. I've been here."

"Well why! Do you understand how that messed with my trauma! I thought you had left me like when I was in the void."  Wilbur snarled at Tommy like he had committed a crime.

"I haven't had a moment to myself in months Wil. I wanted some time alone." Tommy said, irritatedly looking back at Wilbur. Tommy himself could hear the irritation heavily lacing his voice.

Wilbur shifted in his spot, "Still, you haven't done anything! It's always been me or Quackity, and Quackity isn't even working with us!"

Tommy nearly scoffed at the blatant lie. Wilbur and Quackity are always to busy shouting at each other to get anything done. Almost any progress made was made by Tommy and Tommy alone. Instead, however, he simply glared once more and turned back to the ocean.

That was until he heard Wilbur muttering under his breath.

"You truly are a useless child."

There is one very important thing people often miss about Tommyinnit. His fighting skills. Because he was the youngest on the SMP, because he was often being compared to the Blood God and Dream themselves he's considered 'bad'. 

That could not be farther from the truth. How would he have come out of a war he was in since age nine only losing one life to the leader of the opposing side if he was bad at fighting? Tommy was not only fighting major battles with the rest of the generals but fighting with their soldiers against the Dream SMPs warriors.

Tommy was a literal child when he joined the ranks of the generals, he was nine when he first faced off Dream. And he's gained more experience since then. Technoblade himself had given Tommy lessons when tommy was living under Techno's house.

That being said, Tommy was definitely able to win against a stuck up unarmed man who seemed to think nobody could ever lay a finger on him.

Before Wilbur could react Tommy had kicked him in the back of the knee, forcing Wilbur to kneel. Another swift kick, this time to Wilbur's stomach, had him doubling over from his place in the sand Tommy then grabbed the dazed mans chin, forcing Wilbur to look at him.

Tommy's black wings had flared out, blocking out the setting sun. The sky behind him was a dark red. There was an impassive look on the avians face that was punctuated with a slight scowl. Tommy's eyes were cold as ice as he looked down on the person he had considered his brother. His voice just as bitter and cold when he said,

"At least I'm not the one kneeling."


Ehhh? ehhhhhhhhh? Pretty good right :D

Well at least I think so
-Bear ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

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