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I'm sorry this is not a chapter and you can skip it this is just me raging.

Ok so I had suspected that my mom was Homophobic for a while, but I wanted to know to what extent and how she felt about asexuals, because I am a panromantic asexual. So I go up to my mom and ask, with the most innocent face I can muster, "hey what do you think about asexuals? Cause they just don't feel sexual attraction?"

Good news she thinks it's fine as long as you live a virtuous life or some shit, but then she went into some other shit. And I kid you not this woman compared the LGBTQ+ community, which I am apart of, to satan. She said that we "thrive in chaos" and our "only desire is to tear down Catholic way"

Ok so now I'm in tears, my mom just said that I can be asexual but I can't date the people I want, and that I can't join my community. She inadvertently told me to go be a fucking nun, and not that that's bad or anything but I don't want to be no fucking nun. I haven't even told my best friend yet, who is supper supportive and knows about my sexuality, because I know she will come to my house with a fucking knife.

Sorry for the swearing.

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