Dreams God Complex Nearly Gets Everyone Killed

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Godinnit. I'm obsessed.
So in this Tommy is the god of betrayal, chaos, order, death, and pain.
Let me explain why he's order too real quick, basically Tommy used to have a brother, he was order, but it became to much for him and he ended up going insane. Tommy couldn't stand this so he took his brothers power and turned him human. That fallen god is Ranboo and it's the reason why he has memory problems. I could do more with this if you guys want. Btw this happened a while ago. Also mentions SBI family dynamic, they found him and took him in, not knowing he was a god. Tommy actually considers Wil his brother

Third person

Tommy watched from afar as the false gods blew up the nation. His eyes were cold as he stared at the deranged men, Techno's face held a vast amount of smugness, he had no terrible wounds on him despite the constant murder that he had brought. Phil looked upon the fallen nation with great hate, he seemed a little banged up but nothing bad. And then there's Dream, he was laughing, it was the sound of an insane man, a man who had just committed a great sin yet thought he was above it. Everyone one else on the SMP was either dead, or had run per his request, but those who were watching via George's admin power (given to him by Dream) were terrified, a man they believed to be a god was laughing like this, they thought it was over.

Tommy didn't falter as he walked towards them. He had seen much more terrifying than a man with a god complex. The so called "child"'s face was impassive, his eyes however, they showed a vast amount of fire and hate. So many people had just entered his relm, and it was all because of these men before him.

As he got closer he heard Dream, "I AM A GOD!"

Tommy's gave a smile of pity at the masked man who hadn't realized he was there, Tommy felt honestly bad for the mortal, afterlife doesn't treat false gods fairly. Yet at the same time he couldn't hold back his laugh at the hilarious idea. The barking laughter rang out across the ruined country, it immediately drowned out Dreams laughing and screaming. All three males turned towards Tommy, their weapons out.

"Are you happy? You act like you just killed god." Tommy's voice shook with amusement, his face still held the pitying smile yet it was mixed with laughter.

Phil looked at him with amazement, probably questioning the smile on his face and the light tone that had only been used for special occasions with these people. But Dream beat him to his question, "Look around Tommy, your country's in shambles! Yet you still come with a stupid smile and a stupid laugh! WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO BREAK YOU TOMMY! I HAVE GIVEN YOU REASONS TO GIVE UP TIME AND TIME AGAIN! I EXILED YOU,  NO ONE LOVED YOU, IF YOU HAD JUST GIVEN UP YOU COULD BE STANDING WITH US BUT NO! YOU HAVE TO KEEP UP WITH THAT STUPID SMILE!"

"Dream I have given up. My old smile was a fake one, that laugh you just heard was one of exasperation. I give up on the role I played, I'm not a hero, but I'm not like you." Tommy's smile never faltered, the smile of pity staying firmly on his face, even when Dream mentioned exile, "Besides I'm not smiling out of joy. You don't need to worry about me being happy if thats what this is about."

"Then why are you smiling?" Techno joined in, he was curious, he had never seen his little brother act like this, "If you aren't smiling because your happy then why are you smiling, and why did you fake smile before."

Tommy turned towards the piglin hybrid, the soft smile still there, "Techno, I faked a smile for Wilbur. He was my brother and I loved him, he was my world for a moment. I would follow him anywhere, fight by his side at anytime, but that didn't mean I was happy. I put his happiness before mine, and if it took me smiling for him to smile you better believe I put on that facade everyday. Well sometimes it wasn't fake, when we sat around the fire before all the wars, when me and Tubbo sat at our bench, that was a real smile." The SMP quieted at the information, the information that the smiling child only smiled for his older brother. His dead older brother... Tommy continued, "This smile however, is a smile of pity."

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