The Eggs effect

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Tommy starts hearing things after the incident with the egg. The only thing is it doesn't sound like the demonic voice the egg has, and there's thousands of the voices.

I do a lot of Tommy stuff but the next one will be a Techno one also on the egg cause I have an idea.

Also I mention Advil and then a sleep potion and you might ask "bear why do you use healing potion and not Advil" in my mind Tommy's not the best at the whole healing thing so his healing potions are always... inefficient, like they heal physical wounds but not aches or headaches so yeah.

Third person

Tommy hasn't been feeling too good lately. A constant headache has been boiling in his head, then there are random moments when hundreds of voices overthrow his thoughts. It's usually when he was doing simple things like planting flowers or feeding his cows when the voices start screaming.

It could be considered helpful but at the same time Tommy didn't want to that Tubbo was creating nukes while he was breeding cows. And then there were the times where they told him to do something, he had nearly stabbed five people this month.

This first started when the egg made Tubbo cry. Oh god it made his head hurt just thinking about it, they were all screaming, either to destroy the egg, comfort Tubbo, or some of them were just screaming in rage. Then as quickly as it had started it stoped, then the eggpire came and that happened.

But ever since then he hears voices, they weren't loud constantly, he wasn't as bad as Techno yet (the time periods the voices stayed loud were getting longer though), but they were there.

Today was the last straw however, he woke up to his mind screaming "sleepyinit". Tommy dragged himself out of his bed, heading to the kitchen only to stop and start banging his head on the wall, this had been going on for the past two weeks and Tommy had barely gotten any sleep. It was at this moment Tommy knew it was time to go to Techno.

Tommy was no idiot and had seen this happen to Techno when he had first started hearing the voices. It had nearly driven Techno insane, the constant headaches and sudden impulses to do something completely random were a bit too much for 16 year old Techno. Tommy himself felt like he was going a bit crazy, the voices were alway there, whispering in his thoughts and influencing decisions, making him hesitate in situations he would have been totally confident in before. The sudden doubts and mistrust in people took him by surprise, yet there was also a overwhelming sense of protectiveness for trusted friends. The voices were incredibly fond of Micheal and if anyone even looked at him wrong Tommy had to use all focus and willpower to not commit a murder.

Tommy knew that he should have gone to Techno immediately, but had been avoiding this for as long as he could, because Technoblade hated him and also had access to very sharp weapons. All these add up to a dead Tommy, but at this point the voices were so loud that tommy couldn't seem to care that there was a high chance he could die.

So he grabbed an apple and enough Advil to kill an elephant, saddled his horse and set out to the tundra land Techno decided to settle on.

—————-meanwhile with Techno——————

Techno was having a pretty pog morning. The voices were pretty quiet today, Phil had made pancakes, and he hadn't committed a war crime in days!

Technoblade was doing pretty good these days, he had Phil, Ranboo, and Carl.

Of course he hadn't heard from his little brother in ages... which was most likely for the better, him and Tommy hadn't left off on the best of notes.

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