Chapter 44

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"How are you so sure that Ward isn't here?" Kiara asked when she saw the lights on in the house.

"Wheezie said that he would take her to town so she could buy a dress for the Midsummers."

"Ah right... The midsummers... Why is it every girl's dream anyway?" Pope asked as the four of them where walking towards the house.

The plan was simple. Sophie was going to knock on the door and say to Rose that her aunt used to keep amazing dresses and that she needed one for the Midsummers. Rose was going to let her in and give her the key to her aunt's room. After all everyone knew that Rose wasn't going to bother with the whole situation so there was no way she would escort her upstairs. There Sophie would open the window and throw a ladder of rope that the pogues had made last night. Pope would climb up and would enter the secret room. Kiara and JJ would be on the backyard just to keep an eye on what was going on. It wasn't a complicated plan. But it was based on Rose's boredom. If she was interested in choosing a dress for Sophie that would be a problem.

"Well... I don't know, it's probably the fact that the place looks like a fairyland, with all those little lights and trees and flowers and beautiful dresses." Sophie replied. She had never asked herself that and this answer didn't seem to answer the question but as it seemed it did just fine for Pope so she let it pass.

She had begun to really like Pope, he was a boy just like her friends back in her home. He would have fun but when he had to be serious he would. And she loved that on others. Kiara on the other hand she had started to become more and more insufferable.

"You take the lead from now on see you inside." She said to Pope and then walked up to the threshold of the house.

She knocked the door and Rose's voice echoed all over the empty house in response saying that she was coming. When she opened a smiled appeared on her face. "Hello Sophie, what can I do for you?"

Great, Sophie thought, she's in the mood for talking... "May I come in?"

"Of course, sorry. Come. How's your life? Here sit I'm so glad you came I had no one to talk to. Ward is constantly away and when he's here he's on his office..." She started talking. Sophie as soon as the woman moved towards the kitchen she closed her eyes. This was going to be the end of the mission. Kiara would kill her.

"Yes, yes, it's pretty nice. I love the weather! I've never went so many times swimming!" Rose returned with a smile. It was shown that the woman was in desperate need to talk to someone. And Sophie hated herself for being kind towards the others. She was going to let her talk for hours.

"So, how come you passed to see me?"

"Well, I'm pretty lonely in the house so I thought that it would be nice coming here. Maybe we could watch a movie or something. Also, I was thinking, could you give me the key to my aunt's room. She used to have beautiful dresses and I'm afraid I'm in the need of one..."

Rose looked at her with excitement on her face. "Yes! Of course, we can choose a dress for you and then we can watch a movie!" And with those words she put out of her pocket a set of keys and nodded to follow her.

Her greatest fears were coming true... She was going to stay there. She had to find a way to send her down to the living room again.

"Thank you so much Rose. It really means a lot. I'll be back in a couple of minutes. Can you choose a movie?"

Despite being completely irritated with all the need of Rose to star small talk she was glad that because of this need she hadn't noticed how strange she was behaving.

"Of course! But don't tell me that you didn't like it in the end!" She said and left the girl alone in the room.

Sophie stormed towards the window and opened it. She was glad that because of the lack of light she couldn't she their expressions or else she was sure that Kiara would look like she was ready to kill her. She threw the ladder and waited for Pope to climb it.

"I'm sorry it took me so long."

"Are you kidding? This time I'm so grateful that this ladder was strong enough that I'm not going to blame anyone ever again. God loves me.

The girl laughed. "There" she pointed to the secret passage. "Be careful I'm in need of these dresses!"


"I told you it was strong enough!" JJ said to the girl next to him as soon as Pope entered from the window.

Kiara let out a sigh of relief and dropped her hands from her face. "If he was going to get hurt I would have blamed you."

"How come not Sophie? Usually she's the one responsible for everything that goes wrong." The boy replied sarcastically but then noticed the expression of his friend. She was troubled. "What's going on? Is there something you need to tell me?"

Kiara looked elsewhere and then returned his glance. "I was jealous. Because I might have liked you." JJ raised his eyebrows in pleasant surprise. "When I got together with Pope I understood that I love him but that doesn't mean that I don't like you. So I was jealous of the way you were looking to her and how you wanted to spend time with her. But I love Pope so it's not that I wish I were her I just feel like I don't want you to be with her."

"What you say doesn't make any sense Kie... But from what I understood, you love Pope but out of pure egoism you want me to stay single for the rest of my life." She looked away and JJ just smiled at her. "It's okay. I liked you too... And I understand why you want me to be single, I mean who doesn't?"

Kiara laughed and pushed him playfully on the shoulder. He rested his arm around her shoulders and then waited for Pope to come down.

*I know I was making Kiara look like a total bitch, I'm sorry I didn't really like her character but I just hope this explanation is good enough to let everything in the past.*

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