Chapter 7

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"And now come with me I have to take you out of here."

She was lying on her bed thinking about last night. She had no idea what had happened after her brother's words. She remembered pretty clear that she had tried to get away from him and ran to help this blonde boy, who was surrounded by her cousin and his piece of shit friends. By that she meant Topper. The other one hadn't do anything offended. Quite the opposite.

And then just images. Images without sound. They were passing through her mind just like watching a silent movie. Just images without any connection between them. Her brother talking to her. Rafe explaining something. Topper rolling his eyes. Kelce kissing her. A group of people on the background looking at them. They had no faces. They were just looking them from afar. It seemed like the darkness was slowly shallowing them.

And then just sound "What are you doing here JJ?", "You were talking to a pogue!", "He is one of them. You should blame him for Sarah's missing", "You have no idea what this kid is capable of." And then she heard herself, trying to defend herself and the boy she had met "We were just talking. I'm fine.", "And what do YOU know about him James? You just got here", "And what I was supposed to do? You left without introducing me to anyone!", "He was the only one who spoke to me!"

Someone knocked her door. That someone was probably James. After the fight between them last afternoon they hadn't spoken to eachother. Hadn't spoken like normal people because they were shouting at eachother due to what had happened at the party.

"Sophie, can I enter?" Deep down he was pleading her and that was showing from his voice.

"Enter" there wasn't a drier way for her to say that but she wanted to let him know that she was still mad at him.

The boy entered the room with an ashamed look on his face and moved closer to her bed. She didn't even bother look at him. "I hope you're here to apologize" she said staring in front of her.

James took a deep breath "I want apologize for our afternoon fight, but when it comes to the last night's one I'm not regretting anything." She raised her glance and gave him a deadly look.

"And why is that?"

"Don't death stare me Sophie. When I'm saying that I don't regret anything I mean it! Can't you see it? He is one of them!" He raised his voice at her making her even more angry.

"One of who, James? And what more do you know about him?" Sophie was furious. She wanted to defend herself but ended up defending a boy she had just met and probably would never see again.

"He's a pogue Sophie. For god's sake I told you not to drink to much. You have forgotten everything..."

He had a point. She was furious last night with everything that was happening that she decided to disobey her brother and cousin and drink as much as she could.

"Don't get out of the point. My problem is that I know how to take care of myself. If anything was about to happen I would have handled it. It's not like I've never been alone with a boy before." James looked at her "Alright I have not. But I know when I'm in danger and when I'm not."

"Sophie look, these people almost sent uncle ward on jail for something he didn't do. They risked it all to steal money that weren't theirs, they sank Topper's boat" she looked at him with a he clearly deserved it face but he continued "they almost killed someone because he did not believe them and then one of them actually killed someone but he got away with it. Oh and they led Sarah into running away with that one. You know the story from now on. Should I continue?"

She lowered her head. He was right. These people were the ones to blame for her cousins missing or even her death. She should stay away from them. Who knows for what else are they capable of. "Sorry James... You're right. I shouldn't have yelled at you."


JJ was staring at the ceiling of John B's house. He was staying there since the van was locked up somewhere. His house was not even considered of staying. He hadn't set his foot there since school brake. Under other circumstances his father would care about were his son was but not in this case.

"Sophie Green. She's Rafe's younger cousin."

Kie's words were making circles into his mind. He couldn't believe that he was actually talking to a kook. To an enemy to be completely honest. If she was any other kook, that would make things better but noooo. She had to be Rafe's cousin. Ward's and Rose's niece. She was related to the family that destroyed his friend group. Destroyed his and his friends' life. And he spent an hour talking to her.

"What are you thinking?" Pope's voice brought him back to reality.

He and Kie had decided to sleep there too in order to be all together. After the party they had realized that the last time they were all together was when this whole mess with the gold started. They would do anything to change this day. But they couldn't.

"How was I so stupid Pope?" JJ turned to face his friend.

"JJ I don't know if this is going to make things better but despite her love for her cousin she is a good girl. Well at least she was I don't know now..." Kie tried to make the things better but she completely failed.

"She loves her cousin. Yeah how does that make things better Kie?" He took a breath to calm himself down. It wasn't Kiara's fault that he started talking to that girl "Thanks for the try Kie, sorry I yelled at you."

Pope hold him from the shoulders. "Look man, that wasn't your fault. You saw someone, you hadn't seen her before, you felt curious, you started talking to her. It's completely natural. I would have done the same."

Kie tapped him on the shoulder "Hi, I don't know if we have met but... I'm your girlfriend so in your place I would reconsider your last sentence."

The house in a fraction of a second was filled with laughs. For a moment they had forgotten everything about the last night, everything about the previous year... everything bad about their lives.

"Now dude seriously" Pope began "don't worry about her. So far she hasn't done anything so consider her as an one-night...friendship"

JJ smiled at him "You were about to say one-night stand but you forgot that you don't know how that feels. Say it!"

Pope and Kie laughed at his comment. But it was only Pope who understood what his friend meant.

"This feels better than a blowjob"
"Yeah like you know how that feels."

"Yes..." Pope shook his head in an agreement.

"And I think that when you said that she did nothing wrong, I want to hope that kissing Kelce just didn't come to your mind." Kie and Pope looked at him in surprise "What? That was wrong! No one wants to be with one of those guys."

Kie an Pope exchanged a look "Well I have to agree on that." Kiara agreed with JJ's words.

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