Chapter 26

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Sophie was running into the forest trying to reach her home. She was ready for a breakdown and she knew very well that it was not a good idea to stay in the forest. On her hand there was a bottle. She had previously visited Heyward in order to get some stuff but ended up buying this one.

The last two days for her were terrible. She had no one to talk to and she knew that she couldn't take this all by herself. It was just a matter of time before she talked to someone about what she had just learned.

She stopped for a while trying to find her breath. The sound of a brunch breaking was sounded and she turned her head trying to see from where this noise had come. Then followed echoes of someone's footsteps. She immediately hid behind  a tree. She knew that this was the stupidest thing to do on a thriller but it was far better from starting running. The footsteps continued and this time the sound was louder. Whoever that someone was, he was walking towards her.

Suddenly the footsteps stopped. And she felt someone gripping her wrist from the behind causing her to scream. "Leave me alone!"

"Sh, sh, sh" that someone closed her mouth with his hand. "Relax it's me..."

In the sound of the voice a wave of relief overwhelmed her. "I have news about Sarah".

The girl lift her glance to face JJ. She didn't know what was he about to tell her. But at the moment hearing something else would be a good distraction from Rafe's problems.

"But why are you here?" the boy asked as he was taking his hand from her mouth letting her speak.

"I...I was just walking home." She said but her words were interrupted by a sob. She raised the bottle and took off its cap. She was ready to bring it on her lips when JJ pulled it away from her.

"You're sad... Don't drink now... After some times you're going to think that alcohol can solve all of your problems." The girl looked at him, she didn't speak but she nodded and looked away. She didn't want to look like that. She didn't like to look helpless in front of others. And definitely not in front of JJ.

"Come on, follow me." He said and held her from her hand leading them slowly out of the forest.

They spent some minutes walking in silence and then they reached the sea. They sat on the sand pretty close to eachother and looked at the moonlight which was making the sea look silver.

"You were about to come at my house, weren't you?" Sophie said turning to look at the blonde boy sitting next to her. "Why? Everyone could be there..."

JJ smirked at her words and replied without taking his eyes of the sea. "I just thought that it would be a nice thing to do. You would be really happy if you knew what I do." And then he returned the glance "But bad news first. What is going on?"

Sophie laughed sarcastically "There's no way I'm telling you that." She turned to look away but immediately regretted it and looked straight into his eyes again.

JJ didn't break the eye contact "Sophie, why are you sad? Come on its better sharing it with someone. Don't keep it to yourself"

He was talking from personal experience. It was hard trying to be strong all the time. There are some times in life when you can't handle all the pain you crave and then all of this leads you to things that would might hurt you and your loved ones.

The girl stayed sceptical for some seconds before deciding to open her mouth and speak up. "Have you ever felt that... I don't know... Like... Like you want to help someone but you know that you can't?"

He lowered his head. He really hoped she wasn't going to be sad about something important and that he could cheer her up just by mentioning that Sarah is alive. But as it seems it was going to be far more difficult to comfort her than he thought. Of course he knew how this felt like. He had spend the last years living with an abusive and alcoholic father. And there was nothing he could do to help him. Even though he really wanted to. He shook his head letting her know that he knew how she felt.

"And have you ever felt that your world is falling apart? Like everyone you've loved is about to leave?" She tried not to let tears come in her eyes but failed. JJ nodded again.

"I learnt some things that are going to hunt me forever. And they're going to change my whole life and my loved ones lives too... And I, I really can't talk about it but, I can't... I can't handle this all by myself."

Tears were running on her cheeks. JJ shove them away making slowly moves. His palm touched her face making her shiver. She looked at him and then wrapped her arms around him resting her head on his chest.

He was taken by surprise. He felt his heart beating faster and the he closed the girl into a warm hug. Who cared about the two teams? Who cared if he was a pogue and she was a kook? He really wanted to be with her at the moment and he was going to treat her however he wanted despite the financial difference.

"When did you learn about Rafe? And who told you?" For a moment he even thought lying to her. He could tell her that none of this had happened and people were just assuming things but her response prevent him from that.

"Rafe himself, a day ago..." She had stopped crying but she was still trembling from the sobbing. JJ hugged her tighter and rubbed her back trying to calm her down. "Promise me you won't tell anyone what I'm about to say."

"I will not, you can trust me"

"The cops are going to his house every day trying to make his father confess for something I don't know what but as far as Rafe told me ward is going to testify against him... And I want to help but I don't know how!"

JJ stayed sceptical. On the police board Rafe's photograph was non existent. No one was suspecting him.  She didn't know the whole story and Rafe probably wouldn't know the whole story either. That's one of the things he hated about Rafe. He was ready to jump into conclusions without knowing the whole story. If she knew the whole story she wouldn't be so sad about it. Rafe and his speculations...

"Hey, no one is after Rafe. Believe me, I know it..."

"Okay..." She said as she was shoving off her tears. "Thank you" she brought her hand on his hair and ran her fingers through his golden locks.

At her touch the boy shivered. He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to have her in his arms for as long as he could. Eventually he smiled at her. "No need to thank me..."

Nothing is hidden under the sunlight // JJDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora