Chapter 11

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It was nine in the morning. Casually no teenager would have woken up so early. Not that the adults were. Well at least the kook ones.

Sophie looked herself at the mirror she wore her round shaped sun glasses and a bandana on her hair. She was acting on impulse but she was hoping that this wouldn't turn against her.

She had spent the whole night thinking about James' actions. Not only he had provoke someone attacking him -if what he had said was true. Well to be completely honest he had said that JJ attack him all of a sudden, but Sophie knew that that was not possible. But he had accused him of checking her out.

She rolled her eyes on the thought. Yeah because he had no other things to do than watching her. And everyone was looking at her. She was on a damn roof ready to jump into a pool. Considering that, Rafe was checking her out too. She laughed at the thought.

Sophie had really tried to help JJ the previous day but she didn't make things any better according to him. There was only one thing she could do.

She opened the glassen door leading to her balcony. Lucky for her the sculptures on her house were strong enough and combined with the plants climbing the house it was easy enough for her to climb down the front of her house. A moment later she was exiting her yard with a proud smile all over her face.

Because of her house being in the middle of nowhere she was far from everyone. That didn't really mind her. She was used to be isolated and sometimes that was exactly what she was needed. Sometimes she wanted to be just her and her music. Or her and her movies. That's it. But the things here were a little bit different. She wanted to make friends but like, real ones!

Either way she kept walking into the small forest which was surrounding her castle. The sun was up in the sky from hours ago and the heat should be unbearable for once again but under the trees' shadows ot wasn't really hot. The birds chirping on the trees gave life to the forest and the smell of the flowers was almost intimidating.

Only when she had finally reached the "civilization" did she realized that she had no idea were she was supposed to go. She only knew a name but alone was definitely not going to help her.

An old woman passed next to her, she decided to ask if she could help her.
"Excuse me miss?" The woman turned around to look at the girl who had just called her "Good morning, sorry for bothering you"

The woman waved her not to speak nonsense "Good morning young lady, don't apologize my child. You just made my day most of the times no one young is talking to me." she smiled at Sophie sweetly

"Do you by any chance know where Mr. Heyward lives?" The woman nodded

"Here let me take you there"

Sophie smiled at the kind woman "There's no need to be in such trouble, honestly you can just tell me where the house is" she replied as kindly as she could.

"No my child! I want to walk, and now that I'm going to have company I don't see the reason why I wouldn't go."

Sophie and the old lady started walkind down the street towards the harbour.

"Now, as we walk I want to ask you something." Sophie nodded in agreement. She really wanted to talk to someone and this woman seemed that she wanted to talk too. "So you're not from here." Sophie's eyes widened in surprise how did she know but like she had read her mind the old woman replied instantly "Everyone here knows where Heyward lives my dear. But either way I wanted to ask you. Are you related to anyone here? We're are you living?"

Under other circumstances Sophie would not answer to that but this woman seemed really trustworthy and reflected something good to her. "Well actually, I am related to the Cameron's" the old woman stopped in her tracks "What a tragedy for the family. Poor girl... If it wasn't for her father..." She immediately stopped and as soon as she could she added "so are you living with them?"

Sophie looked at the woman curiously. She knew something that she didn't. She said that ward was the one to blame for Sarah. But as the woman had changed the subject she decided not to push it any further. "Well no. I am related to them but I have a house here. You know the manor into the forest."

The woman's eyes widened and then tears appeared on them. "Are you Mary's grand daughter?" Sophie looked surprised and then smiled sweetly at the old lady "I, I was... She died unfortunately one year ago..."

"Oh my sweet girl... I'm terribly sorry hearing that. So you must be Sophie, right?" A smile spread all over Sophie's face "Yes, yes! How do you know me?" The woman smiled at her "I knew Mary! We were best of friends... I remember your playing with Rafe and your brother when you were younger. Well here we are." The woman said and stopped in front of a house near the harbour. "I have to go but it was a pleasure seeing you again. Maybe I'll pay a visit sometime."

And with these words she left. Leaving Sophie outside Heyward's house wondering what had actually happened last summer.

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