Chapter 10

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"Man what is this?" Pope ran towards his friend. JJ hadn't appeared again after he had left for delivering the order and know his face was full of injuries. He let out a sigh "I knew I shouldn't have let you go there..."

JJ smiled at Pope "Wait, because of this?" He pointed at his face "Don't worry about it I just got home to take some stuff. The delivery went great"

He wasn't completely lying. After the fight he had gone to his house to clean his injuries but his father was there. He had probably went out to buy drinks or something.

Pope shook his head "Okay... Come Kie is waiting for us"

The sun had begun to set giving sky a purple haze. "So how it went with Ward?"

JJ looked at his friends smiling with an only if you knew bro look plastered all over his face. "Eventually the order was not for Ward. Rafe ordered them but when I got to his house Ward sent me elsewhere."

Pope looked curiously at JJ. "Where was Rafe man?" He asked smiling, knowing the answer.

"Oh Shut up Pope!" JJ rolled his eyes and moved forward trying not to smile at his friend's words.

The two boys reached John B's house where they were to meet Kiara. They found her laying on the hammock. As soon as she saw them she stood up and waved them to come and sit.

"God. What happened to your face?" She said as soon as the boys were close enough so it was easy for her to see their faces.

"Nothing important... Same old shit" said JJ and moved towards the other hammock turning his back to the couple.

"Are you telling me that this has nothing to do with visiting Cameron's house?" Kie asked suspiciously

Pope laugh at her words "Oh you don't know. JJ didn't go to Ward's house." He said laughing "He went straight into the lion's pit." Kie looked at him curiously but before he could start explaining the pillow they used to have on their hammocks launched onto his face.

Kie laughed with JJ's action "What the fuck did I miss?"

"You see Kie. Rafe made the order but it wasn't for his home. So JJ had to go to Sophie's Green house."


Sophie stormed into James' bedroom. "What the hell were you thinking?" She yelled at him as soon as he noticed her entering. The last thing she wanted was getting into another fight with her brother but after what he had done there was no coming back. "You almost killed him!"

James looked at her "You know that wasn't me..." He said on a calm tone. He was being honest there wasn't a trace of lie either in his words nor on his expression.

"Yeah no shit Sherlock! I knew that the moment I saw you. But I thought what can possibly go wrong? Well thank you for showing me otherwise..." She started walking up and down in his room looking out of the window right where the fight was taking place.

"I told you that I would not cover you and I will not! I will not! But you have one more chance."

"I can't handle this Sophie!" He stood up from his bed where he was lying and moved closer to her "You don't know how it is like and I wish you'll never learn."

His sister pushed him back "Well then I would definitely recommend you to start begging Rafe to let you live with him for the rest of our holidays. Because in my house with this behaviour you're definitely not welcome!"

James laughed at her sarcastically "Your house? Alright MUM!"

"Shut up James and yes it IS MY house! Our grandmother left it to me! And you can't disrespect her last will like that!"

She was furious just like James was.
"You know that none of this would have happened if you hadn't talk to that guy at the party."

She laughed sarcastically and then let out a scream "I don't believe you! You left me there all alone with no one to talk to and this guy appeared out of nowhere and spoke to me!"

"Yes but he is a POGUE!! He literally helped the murderer one get away with our cousin!"

"Oh and that according to you should be punished with death sentence? Fuck off James!"

He grabbed her hand as she was about to push him back for once more. "Why are you defending him? He is our ENEMY!"

"He might be! But that doesn't mean that he doesn't deserve to live! You're talking for him like he is an emotionless monster."

She felt really bad for that boy. Of course he was a pogue. Of course he had helped his friend run away with Sarah. Of course he had helped his friends put the blame on Ward for murdering someone. But that didn't mean anything.

Wanting to be a lawyer she knew that before she reached to a conclusion she had to hear the story from both parts. And she knew that if she had a friend close to her she would have done anything to protect him too. Just like her family. The same way JJ had done.

"If it wasn't for you I wouldn't treat him like that!" James shouted at her, taking Sophie by surprise. It's not that he had shouted, it was the feeling that came along with his words. Guilt. He said that due to her he had beaten him.

"What? Why? Is this because he was talking to me at that party? Then you shouldn't blame him. I was the one talking."

"No Sophie. It's not that. It's because he hadn't taken his eyes of you ever since he walked into that yard!"

Nothing is hidden under the sunlight // JJΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα