Chapter 40

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Well of course... Who else? Her blood was boiling. And there was nothing she could do in order to set Rafe free. But what if..?

"Can you come with me? If you talk to Ward in front of us that you didn't say something like that he's going to bail him out." Barry laughed sarcastically. She didn't understand why and probably neither did JJ because he seemed pretty confused as well. Even though what he did know was that Ward wasn't going to stop until he got what he wanted. And he did know that he wasn't going to take seriously a drug dealer like Barry.

"Last time I saw him I ended up being beaten. There's no way I'm coming."

"WHAT? Is there anyone left on this island who doesn't have a past with him?"

"Give me a sec to think... Uhmm nope!" JJ took the stand. He widened his eyes and raised his eyebrows with a little bit excited expression. "But that's not a bad thing."

Well he was right. The more people that were against Ward the easier it could be for her to make him take the blame for this murder too. There was only way for Rafe to get it off the jail and that was by proving his innocence.

"Give the money now." Barry said and the girl stopped her thoughts.

"No, no, no... Not so quickly man" said JJ trailing his words wanting to sound serious. It was obvious that he had something on his mind and that something wasn't going to make Barry happy. Barry wasn't going to take the money without helping and he wasn't going to let him think that he had the upper hand. "You'll be more than glad to know that you can still help" he added jokingly.

His displeasure was obvious. He didn't want to help any kook but then again singing made him change his mind. If Ward wasn't going to bail Rafe out he would immediately lose one of the best -if not THE best- client. "What do you want?"

"Testify against Ward for harassing you."

Sophie turned to look at JJ who was smiling proudly. This could be a solution. Well at least at the moment. She smiled to him and earned one back from the blonde boy who despite that his body was facing Barry his head was turned right where the girl was standing.

"You're suggesting me to go straight into the lion's pit and make a victim of  myself? Which part of I am a drug dealer didn't you get? If I show up there they're going to bust me in too. Now go away."

Sophie raised her hand over her head in surrender and then threw the money on Barry's feet. The next thing she would hear was going to shock her.

"You have more in common with Ward that you think. Maybe you're against him because you're trying to deal with yourself."

Ward threw the money on the ground away from where Barry was sitting. He smirked not knowing where his whole behaviour was going to end him up.

"Why'd you do that, huh?" Ward stayed in silence just observing him. "'Cause if that's my money right there then... wanna put it in my hand?

"That's not gonna happen... I paid, you pick it up" his face was emotionless in contrast to Barry's whose was filled with mocking and joy. He was enjoying the whole situation. He had the upper hand..

"Alright..." He said and stood up, but instead of picking up the money he went straight to the man standing in front of him. "Sit through man.. the boy is nineteen years old, and you out here taking care of him like he just some little baby-ass bitch, huh? That's a damn shame" those were his words and then he bend down in order to pick up the fallen money. "But I'll take your money..." he continued but he didn't manage to finish his sentence. Ward kicked him and started beating him.

Ward was walking away. His eyes fell on Rafe who had witnessed the whole scene.

What Sophie had done reminded him of that day.

"I have nothing in common with him. Despite our relatives of course." Sophie said and turned her back to him walking away as fast as she could with JJ by her side.

"Uhmm about what Barry said... I wanted to help you. Now, if I could help Rafe too I would be glad but..." Sophie started speaking as soon as they were away from that "house"

"No no no, it's fine. It would be a little bit weird having a crush on your cousin." JJ replied with his usual humourous tone, something that Sophie wasn't get used to since most of the times they were together they had either a deep conversation or a fight.

"Yes only a little bit" and then silence. Things were getting pretty uncomfortable for both of them. Blame it on their unfinished conversation, blame it on what had just happened, there was a tension filling the air between them.


"Sophie where were you? I looked for you all morning!" Wars said from the kiosk as she's was entering the yard. He was still her uncle. He was still caring for her like a father. And then he was still a murderer. He was still a liar. He was still the one who put his own son behind bars.

The girl took a deep breath and then inhaled trying to relax and get our of her mind all of her thoughts. Ward would kill her without any warning if he took a look in her brain. And then an idea. That was it!

"Hi uncle, I was just wandering around. You know it's been a long time. Oh and I came by... Uhmmm... what was their name?... Anyway some friends of yours. And they and me why they hadn't seen Rafe am this time. Of course I didn't say to them anything." She said smiling towards her uncle trying to convince him for what she was saying.

Ward smiled back and shook his head "Yes... That will be a problem." It was obvious that he didn't want the whole island to know what had happened and he wanted his name clean.

"Actually, if they see him on Midsummers they're not going to ask again." Sophie said with a sceptical look like she had just thought about it.

"I guess that's not a bad idea after all. Just for midsummers. And then justice."

"Yes... Justice." The girl agreed with her uncle and smiled at him. The she lowered her head.

"Did you find anyone to come with you at Midsummers?" Back to normal life. Well normal life had its pressure too. There was only a day between today and midsummers and she was running out of time.

"Would it be too weird if I showed up alone?" Ward looked at her confused. "I haven't found anyone. And it's pretty late now... I'll come alone. Oh actually, I can accompany Rafe. Yes that's it."

"Well that's a solution too. Let's get inside. We have air conditioning."

Nothing is hidden under the sunlight // JJМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя