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It is passed down in stories that a long time ago, the goddess saw two lovers who wanted to be together desperately, but could not.

No matter their efforts, fate had ripped them apart, and they died separate, unable to express their love for each other during life.

Looking at them with pity, she came up with a solution so that their tragic love story would never happen again.

She bestowed a gift upon humanity.

It was the ability to have a soulmate.

Not everyone had a soulmate. Only a select few of humans did. Only special humans had the ability. The goddess was generous, but not too generous, after all.

It manifested in the form of a mark. A soul mark. Unique for all pairs of soulmates. Two identical soul marks, only shared by those two soulmates, and no one else. 

A mark that indicated: I belong to you, and no one else.

And there was one more condition. A truth for all soulmates. 

And that was the nature of the soul bond.

The soul bond is everlasting. Unchanging.

It can never be broken. No matter what.

And that was how the Soulmate blessing came to be. 

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