"Very well"

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Jayda POV

"I want nothing but daisy's over here...make sure there all daisy's please"

I looked at the roses they were about to put near Jason and I table

"No no no....daisy's! The roses go on the guest tables"

I told the group, they rushed to the guest tables

I felt a pair of hands on my waist

I knew it was Jason

"Calm down there baby mama....the wedding is going to be perfect"

He turned me around kissing my nose

I couldn't help but smile

"Our jet is on our way over here to drop my mother and father off"

A bigger smile came on My face

I haven't seen Diana in so long, Jason father also

"I can't wait...I've been dying to become Mrs. McCann, I thought this day would never come"

Jason chuckled pecking my lips

"Why so much daisy's dear?"

Jason touched a daisy

I looked down, remembering how much my dad loved daisy's

"My dad loves daisy's....I just wanted apart of him here"

Jason looked at me with sadness

"Your father would've been so proud of you baby girl"

Jason pulled me in for a hug, kissing my forehead

"It's so crazy"

I pulled away, wiping a tear

"He told me before he passed that he gives you his blessing to marry me....and now we're here"

I cried some more, trying to stop before I mess my makeup

Jason continued to hug me, I hugged him back really tight not wanting to let go

"You've thought about inviting your mother?"

I thought about it a lot actually, my mother hates Jason so I don't know if she'd even show up

"I don't know....where the kids?"

Jason squinted his eyes

"I think you should invite her, I would love to be at peace with your mother for once"

Ps. I still love youWhere stories live. Discover now