ghost 18 .

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Deja woke up with her head on Jayceon's chest, when she looked up at him and his eyes were closed. She was confused .. She thought he didn't sleep and when she really got a good look at him. He was in color again, she had only seen him in color one time. Deja smiled to herself, whatever she was doing she knew it was working.

She honestly was just being herself and being herself was taming the beast that Jayceon first was when she walked into this house. It had been a couple months now but it really felt like yesterday when she first saw him in that bathroom.

Deja had no desire to move from this spot and she didn't... what the hell was she doing she thought. What even was this connection that her and Jayceon had. Over the last two weeks they had grown closer than ever. So close, so comfortable that she pee's with the freakin door open .. who does that!

Now here she was laying on his chest.. She closed her eyes again hoping that she would fall back asleep when sleepy and suddenly Jayceon put his hand on her head and she was sucked right into a memory.

" Whatever your doing down their baby get to it fast we leave in a few hours! " She heard Brianna yell from upstairs.

Deja looked at her surroundings and realized that she was in a basement .. an unfinished basement. It actually looked like her basement now. This must've been before they decorated it like she had remember from one of his other memories.

Then she remember whoever remodeled the house had stripped the basement of everything since that is where his body was left.

" I know this won't take long! " She heard and watched Jayceon come down the steps. He ran right to a perfect square looking hole. When Deja actually noticed it was a couple of these Square holes. Three in the floor and two in the wall.

" Shit! " She heard Jayceon say and then ran back up the stairs.

Deja walked up to the hole and when she looked down her eyes widen.

" Oh my god .. " She spoke covering her mouth.

" Remember this "

She looked up and Jayceon was sitting on the basement steps.

" Jayceon I.. "

" I wanted to show you this .. "

" Why ? "

" Because your the only person I have.. everyone else is gone and has forgotten about me."

" You don't know that! " She defended.

" I do .. you should go see my grave .. It hasn't had fresh flowers since 2015 .. When i died .. I had the biggest funeral imaginable .. it was almost like a fucking party.."

" That's how funerals are sometimes-"

" NO ! " he yelled causing Deja to not speak any further.

" After my funeral .. the only person that came to visit my grave was Brianas grandma .. not even my own grandma my own mother or my father. When I was alive I had to cut them off.. So toxic .. Toxic to the point where they didn't come to my grave but when they heard the rumors they came to my house looking for this! " He pointed at the hole.

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