Chapter 1

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Toni's POV

I walked down the hall of my castle, assuming Cheryl was still asleep, and entered my mother's old bedroom. I haven't been in here since what happened...

I looked around, and it looked the exact same as that day. Well, obviously because I haven't let anyone come in here.

I sighed and sat down on the bed, looking at the picture of me and her on the nightstand. There are no phones in Leah, but there are cameras. I picked up the picture and rubbed my thumb along her face, wiping the dust off of it.

"Queen Lyria, we have an important meeting to get to..." A guard knocked on the door.

"I'll be there in a minute!" I called back, setting the picture down, and wiping the tears that I hadn't realized had fallen.

The guard led me into the throne room where we'd usually host meetings. I don't know why they are hosted in here when we literally have a meeting room, but it's whatever.

I took my spot in the throne, before someone came barging in the room. My heart nearly stopped at who it was.

"E-Eretria?" I asked.

She hadn't changed very much. She looked like the same brunette I had fallen in love with...

"I heard a special someone was back." She smiled at me, and held her arms out.

I ran, and jumped into her arms, wrapping my legs around her waist. Thankfully, I went with pants and a crop top instead of a big poofy dress.

"I missed you." I mumbled into her neck.

"I missed you too." She whispered.

We stayed like that for a few moments, enjoying each other's touch, before an officer cleared their throat.

"Uhm. We should get this meeting over with." He stated.

I giggled a but before jumping down, and heading back to the throne, pulling Eretria with me.


"I thought your running away days were behind you." Eretria chuckled as we walked the halls of the castle, our fingers intertwined.

"Well, they were..." I trailed off making her laugh.

"Y'know I actually came back a little after you maybe two weeks." She stated, making me stop.

"Wait- really?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why didn't you guys come back for me sooner?"

"We didn't know where you were. Honestly...I didn't even know if you alive." Eretria sighed. She cupped my cheek in her hand before continuing. "I'm just glad you're safe now..."

We both started leaning in before-


I turned my head to the voice and saw Cheryl standing there, looking beyond confused.

"Toni?" Eretria repeated. "Who's that?"

"The girl you have your claws all over." Cheryl narrowed her eyes before she walked over and tugged me back. "MY girlfriend."

"No. This is Lyria, and she's MY fiancée" Eretria pulled me back to her. My eyes went wide.

"Lyria, who the fu-"

"Woah, woah, woah." I held my hands up, cutting Cheryl off. "Before anything happens...I have some stuff I need to clear up...with both of you."

Both of them seemed to be confused.

I huffed. "Cheryl can you go back to my room, and wait for me..."

"I- No, because I don't-"

"Cheryl please." I cut her off again.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes, and walked off.

"She's a nightmare." Eretria huffed. I gave her a look. "I was joking." She held her hands up in surrender.

I giggled and grabbed her hand, turning left down another hallway.

I explained everything to Eretria, and at that point we had circled the whole castle.

"Wow..." Eretria started. "You joined a gang?"

I laughed. "Yeah I did."

"Queen Lyria!" Jax called running down the hall. "Damn, I've been looking all over for you too." He said out of breath. "Anyways, we'd like to host a welcome back party since you're back and all."

"Uhm...sure why not."


Cheryl decided to stay in my room for the party, which, I guess is a good thing because people think I'm getting married to Eretria, and that would just be a mess if she came.

I walked around the ball room where the party was located, and saw Eretria standing by the door. I'm not really sure of my feelings for her yet...

"Lyria." She greeted and waved a bit.

"Hey." I smiled, and walked in front of her. "There's a lot more people here than I expected." I said looking around.

"Yeah, I don't even know half the people here." She chuckled. "You know, I never did tell you how good you look with pink hair." She stepped closer to me to twirl a strand of my hair.

I laughed a bit, and looked up into her eyes. She released the strand and cupped my cheek.

"Can I kiss you?" She mumbled.

"Yeah." I breathed out.

She leaned in, and closed the distance between us, catching my lips in her's.

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