Laughing, he jumped into the pool, grabbed Ye Jin's legs and prevented her from climbing to the edge of the pool.

Some people laughed at the commotion that Gong Yoo made but Hyun Bin couldn't see anything funny there.

Feeling his mood getting worse, Hyun Bin turned to walk towards the changing room.

Angrily, he kicked Gong Yoo's gym bag from the bench, not realizing that Ye Jin's eyes following him from behind.


*Splasssh! Gong Yoo splashed water on Ye Jin's face, "We're not here just to look around, you know!"

Ye Jin pouted because Gong Yoo kept pestering her.

"Let's make a bet, who can hold his breath longer in the water is the winner." Gong Yoo suggested.

"What's the stake?"  Ye Jin asked interestedly.

"If you lose, wash all my dirty clothes."

"What if I win?"  Ye Jin asked curious.

"If you win, there's a prize for you."  replied Gong Yoo mysteriously.

"Could it be that the gift you meant was 'a chance to wash your clothes'?" Ye Jin grumbled suspiciously. Her step-cousin had bullied her too many times.

"Eeeerrr.. Noooo...." Gong Yoo pretended to look around nervously, making Ye Jin laugh at his ridiculous face.

"Come on, let's do it just for fun!", he asked again.

"Alright, on the count of 3, get in the water, okay?"  Ye Jin replied excitedly.  "One two Three!" their heads disappeared under the surface of the water.

Gong Yoo held Ye Jin's shoulder making sure the girl didn't give up too soon.

The first fifteen seconds went smoothly, they looked at each other watching the opponent's state.

After twenty seconds, Gong Yoo started making funny faces to break down Ye Jin's defenses. But the girl didn't want to give up so easily.

Entering the thirtieth second, Gong Yoo changed strategy.  His face was now serious, looking at Ye Jin's eyes intently.

Panicked, Ye Jin tried to walk away, but Gong Yoo's hands gripped his shoulders tightly.

He was now moving closer and closer until their faces almost touched. Gong Yoo's eyes began to move down to Ye Jin's lips as he continued to move forward until there was no distance between them.

Gong Yoo's fingers began to move to Ye Jin's chin and his vision grew dimmer, causing the girl who had been wide-eyed nervously to jump to the surface with a cough.

Gong Yoo followed a second later while laughing, "I won!!!"

"You cheat!"  Ye Jin protested while still struggling to breathe normally.

Still laughing, Gong Yoo patted Ye Jin's back, helping to expel the water she had swallowed.

"Ugh, I want to go home!"

The Hallowed Heart - English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now