Green with Envy

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It was the day of homecoming which also happened to be 4 days before the 2 month period for Killua was officially over.

Leorio was out shopping for a suit for Killua since he didn't have one and Gon didn't have a spare. 

Kurapika was at Gon's house, waiting for the boy to finish getting dressed so they could drive to the school event. They offered to give Retz a ride but she claimed to already have one. Kurapika was growing impatient and knocked on Gon's bathroom door. 

"What are you doing in there? Churning butter?" He questioned sarcastically. 

Gon's muffled voice came through the door though Kurapika couldn't understand what he had said. Gon swung the door open with a smile which Kurapika returned at the sight of him in his classic black and white suit. The blonde straightened the bowtie on Gon's suit before stepping back and smiling at the sight of the boy looking so suave. 

Kitty Zoldyck was curled up on Gon's bed and meowed at the sight of him. 

"Does it look ok?" Gon asked nervously, pulling at the ends of his jacket. 

"Indeed." Kurapika said with a nod. He pulled out his phone and checked the time. 


"We should go before we're late." 

Gon answered with a nod, petting the cat's head one last time before following the blonde out of his house. 

Outside the door stood a sleek, black, 4 door car that had just recently been cleaned inside and outside. The rims of the tires were a vibrant scarlet color and inside were leather seats. Gon gasped excitedly, jumping into the passenger seat. 

Once Kurapika got into the driver's seat he turned on the car. The engine smoothly roared to life as he put on his seatbelt. 

"Seatbelt, on." He scolded Gon. 

As soon as Gon put on his seatbelt they began their short drive to the school.


When they entered the building it was swarming with people and decorations. Blue streamers decorated the big space and there were countless multi-colored balloons floating to the top of the ceiling. The music wasn't too loud, there was a slow song playing in the background and many people were dancing or eating at tables. 

Kurapika, feeling heavily nervous from all the people looked around for a drink, already regretting agreeing to come. 

"I'll be over there." He nodded at the direction of the table filled with beverages and made his way towards it, leaving Gon behind since he didn't have any problem with big events or crowds. 

Gon looked around at all the people before making his way towards a tall table with a few empty chairs. He sat down in one of them, his legs hanging down as he looked at the crowd. As he scanned all the people, he spotted Genthru. He bit back a smirk at the sight of bandages on his neck. Just then he missed Killua and the only logical answer was to pull out his phone and text the boy. 

Green Bean💚: Where are you???

There was no reply. 

Green Bean💚: Killuaaaaa 

Still no reply. 

Green Bean💚: I miss you :c 

Gon pouted in frustration before resorting to the last thing he could think of. 

Green Bean💚: I saw Genthru... 

Killua finally read his texts and texted back immediately. 

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