Chapter 29 - A Small Step for Man

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"That stuff you said. Was it true?"

She stood behind him with a slightly embarrassed expression on her face. At his look of exasperation, she pulled another bottle of wine from behind her back.

Gabriel eyed the peace offering, then gestured to a spot on the bank. "What stuff?"

Melody smiled shyly and sat down, offering him the bottle. It was already open.

"About never being outside for more than 10 minutes. Is that true?" Her eyes were so wide they looked like they might pop out.

He nodded.

"I... might be in a similar situation. It's nice to know I'm not the only one." She whispered.

Gabriel was shocked to see her face show so much sadness. It looked like things weren't as jovial in her life as she made it seem. Considering what she said about her father, she might be an heiress or something.

"It can be hard when people stop you from choosing who you want to be." He said, not wanting to ask for details.

Melody leaned back and toward the sunset for a time while Gabriel tried the wine. Yes, he was definitely more of a white wine person.

"How'd you get out?"

The question caught him by surprise. "What do you mean?"

Anger. "Don't play dumb, Gabriel. You somehow hacked into an old sector of the public VNet. My father owns this plane; no one but our people should be here. Don't deny it; I can see it in your eyes."

Ah, her father owned the server. That left only one option, a criminal syndicate. VNet ownership wasn't "legal," but grease enough palms, and you could get a private firewall set up. Considering the nature of her predicament, he decided it might help her to hear his story, even if he couldn't really share the exact tale.

After he finished, she let out a whistle. "So the psychiatrist that hypnotized and kept you hostage got away? I thought Republic security was better than that. I wish I could just reach out for help like you did."

"You never know until you try."

Melody's face fell. "Well, you don't know my dad... but anyway! You've been at this, like, boarding school - or whatever - for a week and a half now? What has Jimmy said?

Gabriel stared at her blankly.

"You have texted or called your old legal guardian, right?"

She gave several pronounced nods. "Riight. Still a little socially awkward. I see that now. What have you been doing this whole time?" She wiggled her perfectly plucked eyebrows. "A woman?"

"I've been... studying." That was true, at least.

"Booring. You should probably text Jimmy. He's probably worried sick. Just my two cents." She said, stretching. She let out a long yawn. "I'm tired. Should probably be back soon."

Her round eyes darted back and forth over the horizon, poring over every angle, as if taking in the view one last time - then she turned and leaned in to nuzzle Gabriel's neck.

He tried to shy away, but she wrapped her arm around him, hugged him close, and whispered. "Sorry, but this is in case anyone is watching. Meet me here in thirty-eight days, at 7 pm Pacific. I want you to hack me out of here the way you came in." She sniffed. "If you're man enough."

Her face and grip softened. "Please. You're the only person I've ever met who didn't work for my father."

As a Sentinel, Gabriel felt that he should save this woman. As a person, he worried about what might happen in the VNet without his powers at the ready. Without his suit.

The Sentinel in him won out. "June 8th. Ok. I'll be here."

Her smile was like a warm blanket. She squeezed her eyes shut. "Thank you." She said breathlessly.

Gabriel moved to extricate himself from her embrace when she finished, "Now kiss me."

He froze. This was too much, too fast. Not his first kiss. Not with the first person he ever met.

"If they don't see me kiss you, they'll know something is up. Gabriel. Gabriel." Her eyes pleaded like her life depended on it.

Maybe it did.

The kiss was hot and short. It felt like they shared adrenaline for an instant, and then it was over. When he opened his eyes, Melody was already walking away. Lips still burning, Gabriel realized it wasn't so bad. He definitely wouldn't be forgetting his first kiss any time soon.

Street lights flickered on as the sun finished its daily journey - the moon hung in the fading rays of light. He moved to stretch his legs and see about getting back to Alfred's when an ample red warning appeared in his vision.

An automated voice in his ear started screaming.


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