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The being known as Rosenquartz was discovered after a thorough investigation of the area known as Quantum's Trench, the deepest section of Quantum's Crater. The instruments of the HRS Humbolt picked up unexplained vital signs from an apparent crystalline formation. Said formation was dubbed Rosenquartz by the crew due to its pink hue and smooth surface.

Various experiments failed to achieve a reaction from the glowing pillar, although it was determined to contain powerful psychic energies. As a result of this, further testing was abandoned. The monolith remained on the Humbolt, as a good luck charm.

Until Ruchin Supers attacked the ship.

Unnamed agents assaulted the vessel during a routine polar expedition meant to monitor the regeneration of the world's ice caps. They first struck the Humbolt with a hardened Plasma torpedo, killing her engines and leaving her stranded. A distress call went out, but help was too far to arrive before the Supers had finished their grizzly endeavor.

The aggressors overpowered the ship's defenses and security teams. They proceeded to slaughter everyone on board, only failing to murder the scientists lucky enough to be inside the research laboratory during the attack. The reason for their survival was the one defensive measure overlooked by the Ruchin strategists. Rosenquartz.

According to the reports given by those present, when the terrorists blasted out the security door to the lab - the moment they all believed they would die - the unthinkable happened. The monolith named Rosenquartz cracked and splintered, revealing a humanoid form made of the same material. This new form had large arms and legs with four fingers and toes. Where his eyes and mouth should have been were indentations that glowed brighter than the rest of his body.

At this point, codename Rosenquartz regained at least partial sentience, having been reported to scream "PROTECT" repeatedly as he fought the entire force on his own, successfully repelling them from the craft and saving those in the research room. Following this occurrence, the crystal being became unresponsive.

After being airlifted to the S.P.I.R.E., alongside the survivors, testing resumed on the now humanoid formation. Strenuous examinations revealed that Rosenquartz only responded to those in need of protection, whether real or assumed. Each time it would revive to defend its charge, sometimes staying conscious for a few minutes afterward.

It was only when a researcher suffering from depression attempted to communicate with Rosenquartz that the creature began to speak. This researcher was able to keep Rosenquartz active by merely being in his presence. This allowed the team to ask Rosenquartz questions and the key to unlocking Rosenquartz began to reveal itself.

After a few sessions with the researcher, and they devised a plan, and Rosenquartz learned the current invasion. He was carefully told about the effects it was having on the lives of innocent people.

He never went dormant again, insisting on fighting the MechaBlitz whenever the topic is broached.

Following his "full" awakening, it was determined that Rosenquartz's mental capacity was comparable to that of an 8-year-old child. He identifies as a male, however when asked why he has no answer. His vocabulary is relatively basic, and he is fiercely loyal. His innocence has been proven to leave Rosenquartz easily confused.

His lack of mental agility is made up for by his physical mutations. Rosenquartz possesses Class 5 strength and durability, making him one of the toughest beings on record. His regeneration is off the charts for one so dense. Each of his limbs weighing at least a tonne, he can regenerate one fully in just under seven days. His speed is unremarkable at Class 3, though clumsiness is something he has been working on.

One potentially significant observation is that his crystal body has the capability of internally refracting lasers of any kind, from desktop to weaponized. It has been theorized that this would also happen if he were to be struck by MechaBlitz pulse lasers.

His true identity is unknown even to him. While he can understand complex topics when appropriately explained, Rosenquartz has no recollection of who or what he is or why he was at the bottom of the ocean. Quick decision-making is not his forté, but once given a task he will complete it no matter what damage he sustains - or has to cause.


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