intro / notes =)

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a couple of comments and a friend of mine requested that i do a lunch club/enemies to lovers/love or host type of schlatt story! here it is folks.

this one is going to be more heavily pride and prejudice inspired and focus on a more negative beginning between schlatt and y/n! but don't worry, it'll get better.

id also like this one to be longer, since much more development is happening.


- 18/19 or so
- pretty short
- minnesota 😎
- pretty weak muscle-wise, but strong willed
- quiet and kind, but not someone to mess with
- never tried drugs or alcohol, partying, anything like that
- has been plagued with medical conditions since she was young (anaemia, Addison's, lung problems, generally weak immune system)
- good-looking enough for people to mention it from time to time
- sheltered from most stuff, since she's been in hospital or at home most of her life
- artistic, but doesn't shy away from academia (very logical and rational, well read)
- well-read
- soft/grunge/academia/baggy aesthetic (photos probably won't capture it well but you get it)
- ringssssssss
- not as hopeful as people would like, unhappy about her situation
- has a handful of close friends who care, but is often too low to communicate with them regularly
- gamer (gotta be!) often uses games to cope
- into fashion but not too flamboyantly because she doesn't like all eyes on her too much
- has had to learn to appreciate the little things
- a pretty heavy thinker
- introverted, IXTX personality types
- winter over summer
- cold over hot
- night over day
- not a streamer to begin with, but could become one if it's what people want :)
- always trying to find more in life

the events will attempt to link up with the lunch club timeline so carson will be eluded to but not often mentioned

might throw in other ccs that don't fit the timeline, but we'll see how it goes :)

strap in boys!

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