Levi clears his throat, "anyways, looks like it'll be some time before they get the electricity running again."

"Let me call them real quick-" (Y/n) stretches her arm over to grab her phone from her boss' grasp.

But he moved it away from her reach.

"No need. Let's just go. I'll lead the way, you provide the light."

"Yes sir."


"Uh.. Mr. Ackerman ? The exit's actually this way-"

His loyal secretary politely told him the right direction, however, Levi seems not to buy it, "Ms. (L/n)."

"Yes sir ?"

"You don't know how buildings work, do you ? The exit is this way." Levi jerks his head to the opposite direction (Y/n) just told him.


Thus the two walk into the direction that Levi believes is the right exit.


A damn wall.

A dead end, right before their eyes.

"Ahem, Mr. Ackerman ?" Veins start to protrude from (Y/n)'s neck, "instead of relying on your logic on buildings, why not just trust the words of someone who's been here several times ?"

Note the sarcasm.

"The exit is, as I said, that way !"

With a dramatic pose, she points to the other direction where they just came from, and starts to head first with a phone flashlight in her hand.

Once again, Levi's secretary leads the way.

On their way back, the man couldn't help but notice a fragrant aroma from his secretary.

"Ms. (L/n), are you wearing perfume ?"

"No, I don't wear perfume, sir."

He raises an eyebrow, "but I smell a citrus fragrance on you."

"Oh, if you're talking about citrus, then it's probably my shampoo. The supermarket always has a Buy 1 Get 1 Free event. So this is the only shampoo I use." With a confident smile, (Y/n) flips her hair to the back.

Her smooth hair ends up slapping Levi's face, who just happens to be walking close behind her, since (Y/n) is leading the way.

As his secretary proceeds to walk forward, Levi slows down for a while, smiling to himself, "Buy 1 Get 1 huh..?"

'I can imagine myself pulling her hair on the bed as I ram into her-'

Levi shook his head, trying to get rid of his wild and excited imagination before catching up to (Y/n), who's already quite far away.

"Ms. (L/n), did you always walk this fast ?" Out of curiosity, he asked.

"It has become a habit after years of trying to keep up with you, sir."

The vice president set his gaze on their feet, "my stride is twice the distance of yours. You must've had a hard time catching up."

"No sir. I've become fully accustomed to it."

"But why the fuck did I never notice how fast you walk, hm ?"

"People say darkness heightens your senses," (Y/n) interprets, "and makes you notice things you weren't able to see before."

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now