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A smile found its way on my face as I wandered through the dark halls, the silence was engulfing me in its serenity. Gripping my wand tightly in my hand, while the other was fiddling nervously with my necklace, I could only wish for Filch not to catch me for being out of bed at this late hour.

My nerves melted into a puddle of giddiness when I finally arrived at the huge window, and I leaned against the wall, watching as the moonlight fell through the glass, bringing a grin upon my lips. It was midnight. It was time.

"Happy birthday, Y/N."

I whispered under my breath, ignoring the pang of sadness in my chest, as I smiled, my eyes never leaving the moon. For a moment, I was so happy to live another day, thinking that perhaps there was something amazing was waiting for me in the future. I could not wait, and the thought of it was sending excitement bubbling in my chest.

"Happy birthday, sweet Y/N."

I muttered, tears pricked in the corner of my eyes, as I placed a kiss on my necklace. My parents could wrong me a thousand times, but I would remember that day forever. The last birthday I celebrated with them, as a family, they would call me their sweet Y/N, their little girl.

I was too young, and I was too happy. I did not know that it would be the last time I got to have such a precious time with them. After that, I spent my birthdays alone, faking a smile as the house elves brought gifts to my room, saying that my parents were too busy to come and see me. 

But the necklace was special, it was a thoughtful gift, and I smiled, wiping my tears away as I realised it was time for me to believe in myself. I could live on my own. I could create my own life. I could find my happy ending. I could love someone with all of my heart, without being like my parents.

I stayed there for awhile, staring at the moon, not thinking of anything as I just wanted to enjoy the beauty of it. Back home, I could not see the moon from the window of my room, so I had to get into my father's office, as the view was mesmerising there. However, I stopped going into his office because when I was eight, I once caught him snogging his mistress in his office.

It was traumatising, and it was crushing my heart in every way I could ever imagined.

I was shook from my train of thoughts when I heard soft footsteps coming from behind me. Pointing my wand into the darkness of the night, a wave of fear washed over me. My heart thud rapidly against my chest and I was torn— scared of being caught for being out of bed or scared of being hurt by someone.

"What are you doing here at this hour, Miss L/N?"

I let out a breath of relief when I recognised the voice of Professor Snape, and he walked out of the shadow, a glare was sent towards my way. I lowered my wand and shook my head.

"I couldn't sleep, Professor."

I lied, as my eyes were begging me to sleep but I was too eager to 'celebrate' my birthday, under the moonlight even if I could only get it from the window. Snape eyed me, seeking for truth in my words.

"50 points will be taken from your house if you do not tell me the truth."

He threatened, cocking his eyebrow as my eyes grew wide. I thought for a moment, before deciding that it would be absurd if I tell him the truth, thus I just shrugged.

"I was telling the truth, Professor Snape."

"It wasn't the truth, was it?"

He asked, and I sighed, mentally cursing him for being so good in detecting lies. Heat rose from my stomach to my chest, embarrassed to be caught by Professor Snape, when I was supposed to sneak out of bed successfully without being seen by anyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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