Chapter Twenty-One

Începe de la început

"Please, baby. I don't think I can take any more teasing." I whined.
She released the grip on my throat, and got off of me.
"Hey what are you- fuck!" I shouted as I felt two of her fingers enter me roughly.
"You like that?" She asked as she moved her fingers in and out roughly.
I couldn't say anything, I reached up and pulled her in to kiss me as she continued to pound my throbbing pussy with her fingers.
"Cazzo Amelia! Sto arrivando, sto arrivando. Oh Dio!" I dug my nails into her back as I felt my orgasm crash on me.
"Good girl." She kissed my lips gently as she pulled her fingers out.
"God, I love you Amelia Shepherd." I breathed out with a smile.
"I love you too, Allison DeLuca-Bishop."

*A few days later, back at work*

"What did you all do?" I growled at my interns.
They all started talking at once.

"Shut up! All of you! Brooks, tell me what happened." I looked to my favorite intern.
"Yeah cause she never does anything wrong." Sims muttered.

"Sims. You're on scut for a month. You'll be lucky if you even get to see a fucking bed pan in that time!" I shouted.
"Brooks. Speak." I crossed my arms and waited.
"I uh- I well..." I could tell she was struggling. Should she tell me, and lose the respect of her co-workers, or should she just not say anything and still have her friends?

"Forget it. You're all on scut. You will do whatever the nurses, janitors, attending, anybody asks you. Do you understand?"

They all mumbled under their breaths.

"Excuse you? I said, do you understand! I expect an answer! You are the future of medicine! The future of medicine does not mumble under their God damn breath! You all better get your shit together or you won't even be close to even having a future. Now get out."

They all scurried out of the room, as I sat down in one of the chairs, resting my head in my hands.

"You okay farfalla?" Carina asked as she walked in.
"You heard that?"
"Bambina, I think the whole hospital heard it." She brushed my hair out of my face.

"They don't want to take me seriously Mom, they don't want to listen. The only thing I can do is be tough on them and make them respect me. It worked for Doctor Bailey." I sighed.
"I understand. But you were mean."
"I know. I meant to be mean to all of them except Brooks. It wasn't her fault. She wasn't anywhere near my patient. She just didn't want to lose the respect of her friends. And I get that. Well, kinda."

"Just take it easy on them next time, okay?" Her pager went off and she checked it.
"I have to go deliver a baby. Wanna help?"
"God yes. Tiny humans make it better."

*An hour later*

"Thank God that went well. I don't think I could handle any more bad news today." I threw my gown in the trash.
"You're doing very well here. Have you decided if you want to go for chief resident?" Carina asked as we walked to get coffee.
"I don't know Mom. I'm already so stressed between having two jobs, working on this new theory of mine, balancing my relationship with Amelia, us trying to find an apartment for when we get married, making sure I can still see you and Maya, I'm just stressed." I sighed.

"You said new theory. Tell me about it." She paid for our coffee's and we sat down on a bench.
"The complication risk post partum is getting higher and higher. And I don't understand why. We're all doing the same things we usually do. If I could figure out a way to just... make it all stop. We need to be prepared for if anything happens to the Mamma or the tiny human. God, I feel like I'm crashing." I leaned my head in my hands, then shot up.

"Wait, that's it. That's it! Come on Mom! We have to find Arizona!" I ran into the hospital.

"Arizona! I need you!" I ran up to her breathless.
"Whoa where's the fire sunshine?" She laughed.
"I figured it out! I figured out a way for us to be prepared for post partum complications!"

"Talk to me little Deluca." She leaned against the nurses station as Carina walked up.

"I was sitting there talking to Mom about how I feel like I'm crashing, and then it hit me. A post partum crash cart! We put one outside of every room, it'll come loaded with everything we need just in case! I can't believe I never thought of this before! It could work, right Arizona?"

She thought for a minuet, and smiled.
"I think you just put yourself in the running for chief resident sunshine."

*After work*

"Amy! Amy I did it!" I ran up to her and hugged her.
"What did you do? Did you figured it out?" She asked excitedly.
I told her my idea, and everything that would go with it.

"Oh my God, baby! That's genius! I'm so proud of you!" She pulled me back into a hug.
"Arizona said I'm in the running for chief resident now. I don't know if I want it, but it'll be there if I do."
"Do you know how bad ass it looks on your résumé? You have to go for chief resident. You'd rock it."

"I'm already struggling with having two jobs, and you, and mom and Maya, and I don't think I can handle one more thing Amy."
"You can do it. I'll help. Please, you deserve this." She kissed my forehead.
"Okay, okay. I'll try."

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