Chapter Six

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The next morning I woke up early, and put on my running clothes that Maya had picked out. I knew she'd be waking up soon to go on her morning run.

"Hey kid, what are you doing up?" She asked as she walked out of her bedroom.
"Can I go running with you this morning?" I asked.
"Are you sure? I'm gonna run seven miles."
"That's fine with me. Dad usually makes me run ten every morning." I said as I grabbed us two water bottles.
"He push you hard with training huh." She asked as we walked out of the house.
"Yeah. He made me join the track team." I sighed.
"Don't worry. He did me too." She said as we started running.

An hour later, we were running back up to the house.
"I'll race you!" Maya said as she bolted off.
I ran after her, passing her up easily.

"Damn kid! You didn't even take a break." Maya said breathlessly.
"I run eight minuet miles. I'm used to it by now." I said with a small laugh, breathing hard.

"Maya! Have you seen Allison! She's not here!" Carina yelled as we walked into the house.
"She's with me Carina!" Maya shouted back.

Carina ran over to us, and yanked me into a hug.
"Oh my God I didn't know where you were! You two need to tell me if you go running with Maya." She said worriedly.
"Okay, I'm sorry. I just wanted to go for a run before we went to the station." I told her.

"It's okay. I just got scared for a bit." She kissed the top of my head.
"Wanna shower at the station?" Maya asked as she grabbed a change of clothes for the both of us.
"Sure." I shrugged.
"You two have a good day. Let me know if you need me to pick you up farfalla."
"Will do. Love you!" I shouted as we walked outside.

*At the station*

"Mini Bishop!" Vic shouted as we walked in.
"Hey Vic." I gave her a high five.

"Alright kid. Go shower and put on some new clothes. Vic, tell everyone we're having a work out day today." Maya said.
"Wait, can I work out with you all?" I asked.
"You think you can handle it? We just ran seven miles." Maya said.
"Please? I really wanna get started on my training so as soon as I hit eighteen I can go to the academy." I begged.
"Okay, okay. Go round everyone up for me." Maya said.

I ran up the stairs, and into the kitchen.
"Hola Mija!" Andy said with a smile as I walked in.
"Hola Tia. Guess what today is?" I asked excitedly.
"What's that?" Ben asked.
"Work out day! And I get to join!"
They all groaned.

"Come on guys! Get excited!" I said.
"She's right. Get excited team. Go get changed so we can get started." Maya said as she walked in.

They all went and got changed, and I met them in the garage.
"Okay team! Partner up! Sit up's first as a warm up, then I'm gonna time you in your gear and see how much oxygen you can save while running."

"Come on mini Bishop. You and me." Andy said.

"You have three minuets to do as many sit ups as you can. Winner above all gets a surprise. Ready, go!" Maya shouted as she started her timer.

I sat down next to Andy and counted as she did her sit ups.

"Time! Partners! What's the score!"
"Andy did 70."

"Awesome! Trade off."

I laid down and took a deep breath to ready myself.
"Ready, set, go!"

I quickly did my sit ups, and thought about what I always thought about. Shit that pissed me off. It always motivated me for some reason. It made me prove that I was good enough.

"Time! Partners! What's the score!"
"Travis did 67."
"Miller's score is 73."
"And mini Bishop wins with 102!" Andy cheered.

Their jaws dropped and they stared at me.
"What?" I asked.
"102? Are you freaking serious?" Vic asked.

"Good job Allison." Maya gave me a high five.

"Alright! Gear up!" Maya shouted.
Everyone groaned and grabbed their gear.

"Maya? Can I do it too?" I asked.
"I don't know kid..." She trailed off.
"C'mon Bishop. Let the kid do it. It's not like we're on a run." Vic said as she geared up.
"Fine. But pace yourself. Don't worry if you can't keep up."
"Oh I'll keep up." I joked as I pulled on Maya's gear.
"Be careful Allison. That stuff is heavy." Dean said.
"I'm good. Thanks Dean." I said as I put on the helmet.
"Okay guys. You know the drill. Push the tires across the garage, run up the stairs, pull up the hose while trying to preserve oxygen in the quickest time." Maya said.

"I want mini Bishop this time." Vic said.
"Fine. But I get her next time we do this." Andy said.
"Hughes! Mini Bishop! You're up first!" Maya shouted.

"Don't try to keep up." Vic joked.
"Oh I won't. Cause I'll pass you up." I egged her on.

"Ready, go!"
I quickly ran and shoved the giant tire across the garage, and held my breath as I ran up the stairs, Vic hot on my trail.
I grabbed the hose, and yanked it up as quickly as I could. I finished before Vic, and ran back down the stairs to Maya.

"Well done Kid! Four minuets, fifty seven seconds." Maya checked my tank. "And you have 95% of oxygen in your tank left. How the hell did you do that?"
"I controlled my breathing. And held my breath, only letting out small bits of air as I ran up and down the stairs."
"You guys should practice that. Cause Vic has 86% of oxygen left." Maya said.

"Good job mini Bishop. You have fire fighting in your blood." Vic squeezed my shoulder.
"I'm gonna go grab a shower. I'll be right back." I said as I took off Maya's gear.

*Twenty minuets later*

"Good job team. Go shower up." Maya said as I walked back into the garage.
"Wait, what was the surprise?" Jack asked.
"Well, it was a week off kitchen duty." Maya said as she walked over to me.
"What do you mean was?" He asked.
"Allison won. Next time she exercises with us, bust your ass harder Gibson." Maya said as she slung her arm over my shoulder.

"Good job today mini Bishop." Gibson said as we bumped fists.
"You really have a good career ahead of you as a fire fighter kid." Maya said as she led me to her office.
"Really? I do?"
"Hell yeah! I've never seen anyone get 102 sit ups in three minuets. Let alone a fourteen year old. And to do all that and still have 95% oxygen? You're gonna go far. Come on, let's call Carina and brag." She sat down at her desk and FaceTimed Carina.

"Ciao bambinas! How's is going today?" Carina asked as she answered.
"Tell her what you did today Allison." Maya nudged me.
"I did 102 sit ups in three minuets, and I did their exercises with them." I said shyly.
"She did 102 Carina! In two freakin minuets! And she pushed the tire across the garage, ran up the stairs, dragged the hose up, and ran back down in four minuets and fifty seven minuets, WITH 95% oxygen left!" Maya bragged.
"Buon lavoro farfalla! I'm so proud of you!"

The alarm went off, "Station 19, victim in distress. Fire at 1312 Kingsley road."

"Gotta go! Love you!" Maya hung up the phone and ran out of her office.
I followed her into the lobby, "You stay in my office kid. I'll be back as soon as I can! Love you!" She shouted as she ran out to get her gear.
"Love you too sis." I said as I walked back into her office.

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