"Oh you do." There was an evil glint in Meredith's eye and he looked carefully at her.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Well, let's just say that Addie and I spent more money in Victoria's Secret yesterday than I've ever spent in any other store."

Derek swallowed hard. "When do I get these presents?" he asked.

"After you tell me how corny you are," Meredith giggled.

Derek rolled his eyes. "Fine," he said. "I was going to say that this is the best birthday ever because it's the first birthday I've spent with you."

"That's...probably the lamest thing you've ever said," Meredith giggled.

"Yeah yeah," Derek rolled his eyes. "Can I have presents now?"

"Later," Meredith promised, leaning in to press her lips against his.

"Later?" Derek frowned. "I want presents now."

"Too bad," Meredith shrugged. "I have things planned."

"Things?" Derek asked.

"Yes, things," Meredith nodded. "Things you need to be dressed for."

Derek sighed as he slid out of bed and began getting dressed. "Do I get to know what these things are?" he asked.

"We're going to Boston," Meredith nodded. "With Mark and Addie."

Derek nodded. "Boston," he repeated. "Okay."

"You'll like it," Meredith smiled, tugging on his hand. "Ready?"

"Ready," Derek nodded, laughing as she pulled him into the hall. He'd never seen her this excited before, but he liked it.

"Happy birthday, Shep," Mark greeted as they walked into the hall.

"Thanks," Derek nodded, returning Addison's hug. "So...Boston, huh?"

"I know just as much as you," Mark defended. "Leave it to the natives. They know what they're doing. I hope."

Derek laughed as he wrapped an arm around Meredith's waist. "Lead the way, my little Bostonian," he commanded.


Later that afternoon, the four of them sat on a bench outside the Boston Harbor, watching as the boats pulled in and out of the docks.

"I love Boston at Christmas," Meredith breathed. "It's just...so festive."

Derek squeezed her hand. "I know what you mean," he said. "This has been an amazing day."

"What was your favorite part, Derek?" Addison asked from her place in Mark's arms.

"Museum of Science," Derek nodded, all of them nodding in agreement. "Thanks, Mer."

"You're welcome," she said, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. "Although it's not over yet."

"Oh, I know," he nodded. "You owe me a private celebration later tonight."

She giggled and blushed slightly as she looked over at Mark and Addison. "Well, yeah, but there's more before that," she said.

"I'm being spoiled," Derek announced.

"It's just dinner," Mark shrugged. "We need to eat anyways."

"A special dinner," Addison said, nudging Mark with a roll of her eyes.

"Let's go," Meredith said, looking down at her watch before jumping to her feet and pulling Derek down the street.

"Slow down, Mer," he laughed. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see," she replied, a sparkle in her eyes as she waited impatiently for the signal to tell them it was safe to cross the street. They walked for a couple blocks before Meredith stopped abruptly outside an Irish pub. "Okay, are you ready?" she asked.

Derek frowned as he looked at the pub sign. "Mer, I'm not turning twenty one," he started.

"I know that," she rolled her eyes. She pushed the door open and led them into the crowded pub. She approached the bar and talked to the bartender for a few moments, leaving Derek standing awkwardly in the doorway with Mark and Addison.

"Do you have any idea what she's up to?" Derek asked.

"Hell if I knew," Mark shook his head. "Damn, I wish I was twenty one."

Addison rolled her eyes at Mark before she turned to Derek. "Trust me, you'll love this," she said. "Mer's been working on it for weeks."

Derek smiled softly. "That girl will never stop surprising me," he said with a laugh as he watched her make her way back to them.

"Come on," she said, lacing her fingers through his.

"Where are we going?" Derek asked.

"Upstairs," Meredith nodded, gesturing for him to go first.

"What's upstairs?" he asked.

Meredith didn't respond, but opened a door, giggling at the expression on Derek's face as he saw his family, all yelling surprise and happy birthday as he walked into the room.

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