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i miss saying "italic dialogues means it's in japanese " 🥺
but anywaysss, have a good read <3

i miss saying "italic dialogues means it's in japanese " 🥺but anywaysss, have a good read <3

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"They'll move the money right away." Brian thinks. "We gotta move Dom."

"Okay. Listen." Dom speaks to them all. "Team up. Let's surveil and follow all of the houses."

The team starts walking to the cars and splitting into teams.

"Flag." Dom calls. 

She nods.

"I want the two chameleons together."

"What do you mean?" She asks, confused.

"You're riding with me." Han explains.


Ella looks at Mia, who was trying to contain the smile.


The old BMW was filled with potato chips and water bottles. Empty or not.

"So you kicked your stepdad's balls?" Han laughs.

"I mean...kinda? He was a dumbass!" She laughs too.

"Number one is on the move, man." Leo informs over the phone.

"Two is on the move." Roman tells.

"They're moving." Han looks at the cars.

Ella grabs the phone. "We got ours."

She puts back her sunglasses on, and the car follows the van.

Since Han was driving, Gabriella could finally look at him, without anyone saying shitty stuff.

He's definitely, definitely hot.

She meant, handsome.

"Liking the view?" Han asks.

Ella smiles. "I like the sunglasses more."

He smirks.

"I got eyes on five." Tej informs over the radio. "I know y'all said they were consolidating the money somewhere, but, y'all ain't going to believe this." Tej is heard by everyone, again.

"No way..." Ella mumbles, already looking at the cars parking at the police station.

"Well, this job just got a lot harder." Brian comments.

"If he's moving into a police station, he's got some serious brass in his pocket." Roman thinks out to the team.

Santos tells something in Spanish and Ella could understand, but she wasn't even paying attention to them.

"Hell yeah. We can't do this." Leo agrees with his pal.

"Can't? You mean, shouldn't." Han contradicts.

𝐎𝐖𝐄 𝐌𝐄 | HAN LUE Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora