chapter six:good to see you

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(A/N-play this)

'so its one of those nights again.' Artemis thought as she opened her 'eyes' to see nothing but she could feel everything. 'pantomine has such a strange side effect! guess this is what she meant when she said 'my power works even when im asleep' aside from the intangiblity'.

the world round her began to shift to one she was familiar with.

a large, two story house that was blue with a large red door and an even larger lawn filled with all kinds of beautiful flowers.Artemis walked through these fields feeling a slight sense of familiarity then she looked through the window

'wait is my home!' she could contain herself her old childhood home had been demolished in a villain fight soo her parents were relocated to a different neighborhood so seeing her old home made her excited.

she ran straight to the door and began knocking.




seven times.

eight times.

the door opened with an ominous creek after knocking ten times.

"mom!" Artemis called entering the house "are you here? mom!" the only thing that answered was a gut wrenching mix of pained laughter and sorrowful mourning.hearing the sound made Artemis' skin crawl it reminded her of her little half sister after those 'medical procedures'. she listened closely and followed the sound upstairs to where the rooms were located.

the second floor was where all the rooms were,the master bedroom was on the left while her and her sister's room was on the right, to the left was the room Freya and Hebe used.across from their room was the bathroom and right of the bathroom was the laundry room and across from the laundry room was a large storage closet.finally at the end of the hall was the smallest room which belonged to athena.

Artemis giggled at the sight of this hallway.she always used to complain about having to share a room with the rest of her sisters while athena got a room all to her self,but athena would just rub it in her face while her father would try and smoothe the situation over.

those were the good times.

how she wished she could go back.

she then heard a violet scream "SEE!" it echoed loudly,like millions of people oozing intent to kill said it at once.

Artemis was paralyzed in pure fear,no fear was when she didnt want to walk to the bathroom alone as a kid, this was something that only a true monster could instill in others.

a sense of imminent.......


perhaps it was the years of forced training or her own warrior spirit but Artemis slowly walked down the hall sensitive to even the slightest movement.once at athena's door ,which was covered in what looked like bloody hand prints instead of the retro pre-meta era stickers she normally had, she pushed it open enough to see inside and felt her heart drop.

inside was athena,naked and covered in blood, laying on the floor with her entire room,which to Artemis' memory was always neat and clean, destroyed.Athena herself was rapidly switching between crying tears while clutching her belly and laughing maniacally while clutching the knife.

"athena." Artemis whispered sadly before closing the door.

"little sis" Artemis could understand how a hug could be so threatening or it could just be her terror."shouldnt you be sleeping? do you need me to take you back to your room?"

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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