Chapter four:was lost but now found

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she cried.there was nothing else she could do in the face of her brother who was also crying.

"i cant believe it." he sobbed "artemis you're back!" his hug tightened ever so slightly,if this was a dream then he didnt want it to end! Artemis held her brother close shedding silent tears as her aunt watched wiping away tears of her own.

it felt good to be home with her family.but where are the rest of them?

"may i ask something?" Alister asked "if you'r here then what about the others?".

Artemis looked at her hand silently covering it in moss,giving her wordless answer,which instantly contorted Alisters face in grief making him punch the wall.

"DAMIT!!!!!" he yelled,it was true! all his worries were now true! she was gone! he had indeed FAILED! "rahhhhhhhhhhh!" the young man,feeling broken at the loss of his beloved, began wildly punching the wall until he was knocked out by Artemis with a strike to the neck.

'sorry big bro.' Artemis thought catching her brother's unconscious body he face still non-emotive as before. 'but you need to sleep.' she then looked over at a shocked erica, alister's mom, and asked for some assistance in moving the young man to his room which the mother agreed to.once Alister was in his bed, Artemis took a seat and let out a deep breath before looking at the blue haired woman.the way that she looked at Artemis,a look of readiness honesty, told the young girl that she had center stage.

"so" the young girl began "how long has it been?"

"five years,around that much time." hearing this Artemis nodded 'so those really were time dilating fields they had us in,wow.' with that question answered Artemis continued on

"hows mom been? hows the family?"

Erica seemed hesitant,something that Artemis caught easily, she stayed silent trying to avoid the young girls eyes as much as she could but failed once artemis was only a breath away from her face.that made the dam broke.

"a disaster!" the blue haired woman yelled, making the younger woman take some steps back"a complete,utter,total disaster! yourmomisinahospital,yourauntisdeadandathenacuttieswithusandhasarestrainingorderagainstusto!"

"woh woh ho, calm down!" the younger female exclaimed with a light headbutt and a deadpanned expression "i didnt hear a word you just said." 

"alright" erica took a deep breath before telling Artemis  the events that have transpired over the past five years when it came to her family. once the tail was done Artemis looked utterly dumbfounded,she then stood up silently, walked to a corner of the living room and curled up in a ball in that corner while silently crying.her mind was trying its best to cope with this new reality,to make sense of this new chapter of her family's history.

it all didnt make sense! sure mom was a emotionally damaged but she would never even think about killing herself!? aunty phoenix never would die she was a phoenix,'a dead person walking', she was never kept down by anything! her sister her invincible goddess of a sister, who came home with bruises and cuts to provide food for us and who had taught her the value of family ties, she wouldnt leave them family, the clan, behind? but also change her own last name ,something that she bore with pride, to the last name of that man!? plus putting a restraining order in against her own family!!!!!????


it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,it didnt make sense,

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