prologue:new day

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it was the year 2121 in city V, and the world was in chaos but lets start from the beginning.

in the year 2022 THEY began to appear,


no body knew how they appeared some say that a partical accelerator exploded,releaseing waves of an unknown form of matter,some say it was the government who used a drug to create metas,others say that they metas were actually demons or angels.regardless of how these people came to gain their powers, their presence caused many problems.society regressed and fell apart,giving rise to massive criminal empires,secret underground trafficking far more discrete and untraceable than others but there were also people who used their powers for good called heros.

but unlike in some other worlds,the government didnt approve of these 'heros' deeming them as the same criminals as those who actually did criminal acts.across the world different branches of the anti meta-human task force or AMTF began to be implimented. they were composed of specially selected and trained individuals meant to protect the citizens.

while this was good for a time,crime still was rampant and vigilantes picked up the slack where the AMTF didnt there was one event that sent a large ripple, no earthquake throughout society.

the date was January third 2121 where across all news outlets and channels a villain named 'minus' explained what he wanted.there was a power out there that could be transfered to others which was named 'soul flare' which got stronger with each user.the villain minus had demanded the current holder to come forward and face him less he would bring about hell.

this event cause the AMTF to hop into overdrive looking for the holder of this power and their patrols.they werent alone as the vigilante's  also working to find this person and protect who ever they were. finally the villains have been trying in every way to bring the will of flame user into their folds or capture them for money.

this was the times now.

this was where she was now.


she felt lost.

that is how one Athena Phoenyx was feeling as she looked at the T.V. the young twenty-three year old woman was watching a movie while wrapped up in a blanket,eating some freshly microwaved ramen. today was a rather sad day for her because today marked five years since she was 'replaced' by a Fake and decided to leave her family to their also marked the fifty-ninth month her sisters has been missing.

that was why she felt lost and her appearance reflected it.her straight white hair wasnt combed and looked overall bad,her eye bags were deeper and more pronounced than usual,her posture was even more sagged than usual.her sickly pale,almost translucent, skin seemed slightly lighter and her silver eyes,framed by black sclera, were filled with sadness.she looked disheveled.

with an audible slurp and gulp of her ramen she changed the channel to the news,there was a press conference with the public safety commission that ,if her predictions are to be believed, would change her vigilante career forever.

she watched as the president of the public safety commission, a plain older woman with slicked back auburn hair, took a seat on her left was the number one AMTF agent code name 'infernal' and on her right was some woman with black hair like her.

she watched attentively as they gave their thoughts on the whole 'minus  zero' broadcast, a name coined by a reddit user. personally Athena was still quite curious about a fire power that got stronger as it was passed on by absorbing the souls of its users like fuel. she wanted to experiment on it thoroughly to see what would happen just like her three stars:mental outage,supernatural blood, and witches cult.she scoffed at how the commission president all but demanded the holder of soul flare to come forward and threatened them if they sided with the vigilante's or villains but what came next shocked her to her core.

the AMTF had put out bounties for certain vigilante's and villains.among them was the 'the demoness', Athena's alter ego.

she always feared her identity coming out and being arrested and now? those fears seem so much closer.she looked closer at the picture and saw that it was of her appearance when it was changed.meaning it would be easier to continue but she had to be careful.

those days in jail flashed into her mind but she pushed them down with the strong taste of beef ramen. sure the picture was of low quality but that didnt decrease the level of danger she was in she had to be prepared and take additional precautions to make sure she wouldn't be found.

Athena then stood up and cracked her back, exposing the well defined muscles of her arms and core along with the full beauty of her body.perhaps it was time to start experimenting again.


hello everyone author here and thankyou for tuning into this prologue.also a brief explaination.

At the time of writing this its been two days since i accedentally deleted my account on here but i managed to get it back before anything went wrong but at the cost of most of my stories.this is to take my mind off of my lost work.also i havent seen many stories with this premise and im happy to see where ill take it.

so once again thankyou and i hope you guys like my work.also i included a picture of what i think Athena would look like when she's a vigilante bellow and what she looks like regularly above.

once again thankyou and please bare with me as im currently theorising about what im going to do with this work.

once again thankyou and please bare with me as im currently theorising about what im going to do with this work

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(yes she looks like makima)

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