When He Loves Me

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A/N: I want to just say thank you for 13k, everytime this story grows it amazes me. Thank you I everyone who commented and voted, it's helped me be where I am today. And even the people who just read, you're amazing too. Please enjoy the chapter

I woke up the next day trapped in Draco's arms, he held on to me as if his life depended on it. I tried to wiggle out of his grip but failed.

"Let me go you big lump," I said, trying to move his arms off me again,

"Five more minutes" he grumbled, kissing the top of my head "or we could stay here forever"

I rolled my eyes but smiled "You're so corny"

He chuckled "You love it"

"I also love when you get up," I said, Draco finally gave in and let me go. I got up and rummaged through my trunk, Draco sat up behind me, rubbing his eyes tiredly

I changed out of my pajamas and turned around "Fuck, I thought you went back to sleep"

"I almost did but you know, you're here." He said, smirking at me

"For fucks sake Draco," I said, holding back a smile "Is there a meeting today?"

Draco's mood changed, he looked down "Yeah, you don't have to come if you don't want to, I can make an excuse"

I sighed "No I want to go. If He's destroying Hogwarts I want to know how."

Draco nodded and got up "Alright. I'll come to get you when it starts, your room is the next door over." He kissed me lightly.

I kissed back for a little before opening the door behind me, I gave him a small smile and closed the door. I walked to my room holding back tears, the instant the door closed, I broke down.

I knew Draco had no problem with me crying but I hated doing it, crying had always been a sign of weakness in my family.

Year 1, 1992

I had just finished my first year of Hogwarts, but I wasn't as happy as I wanted to be.

Only a few years before Draco and I were best friends and yet we spent the whole year fighting.

It was just small things, he'd glare at me and I'd glare back, but it still hurt.

I came home that day, upset, my mom was waiting for me in the living room. I sat across from her on the couch, I sat up straight as to no disrespect her, it was hard to do when you're upset.

"How was the school year." She asked, smiling her normal fake smile

"It was good, but Draco was mean to me all year," I said, tearing up at the thought of it "It's like he hates me"

My mom handed me a handkerchief "Don't let him know that, people grow from your weakness Y/N. The minute you let someone in, you risk them hurting you, or this family. Don't be a baby Y/N, you're too old to be crying. Keep your head held high, make this family proud" She said and got up

I nodded "I'll make you proud. Draco won't get to me anymore I promise"

She looked at me "Good."  I stared up at her as she walked up the stairs, when she was gone I let out a deep breath. I walked upstairs and into my room.

"Don't let them in, crying shows weakness, uphold our family name" I repeated in my head over and over again. I fell asleep as soon as I finished packing, but my mother's words lingered in my head.


I heard the door to the meeting open, I wiped the tears off my face and composed myself, a few death eaters passed me as I walked to my room.

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