The Third Floor Bathroom Disaster

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A/N: Guess what, another full Draco POV chapter, also, huge thanks to one of my readers for recommending a part of this chapter!

April 15th, 1997

I love being a prefect...most days. I could easily get Gryffindor's in trouble and all that fun stuff but it did come with its downsides.

I was patrolling the west halls when I heard students talking down the hall. I was about to confront them when I realized who they were.

Y/N and that boy she's always with...Spencer?

I stayed back, making sure they couldn't hear me. It hurt to see her with other guys, especially one I was sure she was dating, and to make everything worse, they were talking about love.

"Do you not have hope in love?" Y/N's voice got closer as I heard her walking up the stairs

"No, not really, while it's nice to think about I'm nervous of the outcomes if love fails" Spencer...said

I understood where he was coming from, failed love is one of the worst kinds of pain. I hid behind a corner as they turned into the Ravenclaw common room.

"It's not that bad, you get over it eventually" The pain continues, I knew she was over me, it just hurts more hearing it out loud. I listen from outside of the painting, luckily I was able to hear what they said.

"I shouldn't have said...I'm sorry Y/N" He said quickly

'No, it's fine. I spent too long chasing him, if he wants me back then he has to figure himself out because I can't chase a guy who makes me feel like how he did. I want to find a guy kind of like you....not you, but sweet and smart you know?" She replied.

I couldn't handle hearing anything else, it hurt too much. I really love this girl but she's right. I have no fucking clue who I am or what I'm doing in life.

Her words echoed in my mind as I walked back to my common room, I walked in and to my dismay, Blaise was in the common room.

"Draco, aren't you on perfect duty?" He asked, his question was genuine but I wasn't in the right mindset.

"What does it matter to you? This school is going to the dogs anyways." I said, Blaise began to speak but I was already halfway up the stairs.

I laid down at my bed, staring up at the ceiling, every memory of her running through my head. I tried to get over her, I truly did.

But how was I supposed to? She's always there, no matter where I am she's either with him or one of her friends are around.

Everything reminds me of her.

The worst part about Y/N is that she is so hard to hate and even harder to fall out of love with. I wish I could go back and never meet her.

Not for me of course, I deserve this pain.

But for her, I've hurt her too many times. She doesn't deserve that.


April 20th, 1997

The apparition test snuck up on me, suffice to say, I was a little worried. That stressed emotion had to go somewhere, and unfortunately, Y/N bumped into me.

"Shit, sorry Malfoy," She said while getting up, something inside me broke when she said Malfoy instead name. I didn't even realize I had grabbed her wrist until she pointed it out "Let me go Malfoy" She said, the annoyed expression was my final straw.

I pulled her towards me "Malfoy? Seriously, I get the whole hating me facade but the last name thing, very cliche Y/N". She refused to look at me but I could tell she was mad.

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