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    After Stu and Billy escaped the police broke down the door and escorted me out of the house, before i exit the door i hear grunting behind me, i turn around and saw randy, alive!!!! " Randy!" I yelled. I ran towards him and crouched down to his side; I hear someone yell to get the paramedics inside for him. I brushed the hair out of his face, " Your alive!" i whispered again. And he nodded slowly, " Yeah, and this is the one-time I'm glad I'm a virgin" He whispered and i laughed slightly. And he laughed along with me. The paramedics came in rushing randy into the ambulance along with me.

 We soon arrived at the hospital, all i needed were a few stitches. Along with a wrap around my sprained ankle. Randy on the other hands had to have surgery along with Dewey. oh yeah did i forget to mention, Dewey is ALIVE. and so is gale weathers.  I kept replaying everything over and over again as i sat in my hospital bed. I was thinking of how Billy and Stu were faking everything leading up until tonight. 

I kept thinking about the people that died tonight and the people that died before tonight. I thought about Tatum and all the funny moments we had. I wish that i had more time with her, but she was taken away too soon. I thought about Kenny, who i barely knew. He was constantly tossed around with gale weathers as her camera man. He was a nice man, he didn't have to die.

  I thought about Casey and Steve who i barely knew also. I occasionally had conversations with the girl, we were somewhat acquaintances. 

  And last but not least i thought about my beloved sister, Sidney. I saw her dead, right before my eyes. I could have saved her, i should have. I thought about all the nights we had just talking to each other. Watching movies. arguing over who gets to pick each movie. 

 She was gone and she wasn't coming back. I tried to convince myself that, but i just couldn't. We all trusted Billy and Stu and it came to stab us in the back....literally. 

 I sobbed quietly as i laid in my hospital bed. Alone. I couldn't help myself but overthink everything over and over again. And i cried even more each time i did.  That's when there was a knock at the door and a doctor came in. 

 " How are you feeling?" He asked.  " i'm sore but other than that i'll be fine" I replied and he nodded. Continuing to ask me other questions about my mental and physical health. Once the conversation was over he left the room. Leaving me to overthink once again. 

  It had been about 10 minutes when there was another knock on the door. " come in" I said quietly, and a police officer came in, with his notepad ready to ask questions. When he asked them i told him the truth about everything, except for their escape plan. I just couldn't bring myself to say anything about it. While i was telling him the events he was jotting everything down. Making sure to write every detail i told. And it took quite a while to tell him the story. 30 minutes to be exact. He was very thankful for my statement. He even went all therapist on me. 

 " You were brave tonight, not everyone could have gone through what you did. If you ever need anything don't hesitate to call" he said handing me the card.  Every single time they do this. They tell me I'm a brave person, ask me if i need anything and then leave. As the cop walked out, i saw a nurse bring randy into the room with him limping slightly. " Randy! What are you doing here shouldn't you be-" He interrupted me, " They okayed me to come in here, I'm fine" He said as the nurse helped him sit in the chair by my bed. I sit up slightly wincing at the pain in my ankle. 

  Randy took my hand in his as the nurse walked out of the room giving us some privacy.  " I'm so glad you're okay" I whispered, and he nodded.  " Yeah, I'm sore but I'm fine. Are you okay?" He asked and i nodded.  " I'm sore too, i kind of fell off the roof" I whispered and his eyes grew larger than they already were. " You fell off the roof?" He asked surprised. I nodded, " Well technically i jumped" i replied. " Bad ass" He whispered.  " oh and im sorry for not believing you and shutting you out, i was just-" " Its okay, if i were in your place i would have done the same thing." He interrupted. 

   " What happened anyway?" He asked and i sigh, " Well, you know when billy wanted to talk so we went upstairs?" I asked him and he nodded, telling me to continue.  " Well when we went up there, he told me that Sid broke up with him." i added and he looked deep in thought. " Then he kissed me" I whispered, and his head shot up. " And i was dumb enough to kiss him back. I pulled back and told him i couldn't do that to Sidney. Then the killer showed up and 'stabbed Billy'" i said in quotation marks.  " He then chased me around the house and i went out the window and fell to the ground. I just ran until i found myself back at the house. And after Billy shot you. Stu came and they brought me into the kitchen where they framed my dad. And they told me they both were in love with me. They were going to take me with them but, the cops came, and they ran off" I released a breath of air.  " I'm just glad you're alive, you know i lost my sister and Tatum...." I trailed off and randy looked back up at me in confusion. 

" Emma, Sidney is in the hospital. She isn't dead" He said. Both of us not knowing of the two killers just outside the window listening to everything that we just said. 

The Final Girl (Scream 1996)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat