Tardy for the Party

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      Dewey just dropped us off at stu's party

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      Dewey just dropped us off at stu's party. Tatum and i carrying the food as we all walked into the home.   " Cater's here" Tatum said as we arrived in the kitchen. I was wearing black ripped jeans and a black crop top that showed my stomach and a black unzipped jacket.  " Real Mature" I said as i saw stu funneling some beer to another boy.  He quickly looked me up and down for a second. Going unnoticed to everyone.

  " You guys were tardy for the party so we started without you" Stu exclaimed. " My man" He said as he did a guy handshake with the boy he was funneling beer to. 


  We all had eventually made our way to the couch, stus arms over mine and tatum shoulders.  Everyone was shouting what movie they want to watch while i just watched in amusement.  Sidney just sat beside me reading off movie names. " How come Jamie lee Curtis are in all these movies" She asked.  Randy came up behind me and said, " She's the...scream queen" 

" With a set of lungs like that, she should me" Stu retorted. " Yeah" Randy muttered.  " Tits see" Tatum said amused. Thats when someone rang the doorbell.  " Oh, I'll get it" Stu said and jumped off the back of the couch falling in the floor in the process making me and Tatum both giggle. He got up and smirked. " Hey, Tate, Sid, can you go grab some beers for everyone?" he asked sweetly.  " There is more in the garage" He added as he walked away.

    Tatum rolled her eyes, " What are we, the beer wench?" She asked and Sid nodded in agreement.  But before they got up Stu came running in breathless.  " You're not going to believe who is here. It's that chick from 'top story'!" he stated still out of breath.  " Gale weathers?" Someone gasped making me and the girls stand up in surprise of her being here. I mean can we go somewhere without her following us? i mean damn. 

  What surprised us more is when we saw Dewey bringing her in. " Your underage son" he joked at one kid.  " Dewey" Tatum said as she motioned for him to come over to her. " What is she doing here?" She asked as i took my place beside her, my hands in my hips.  " She's with me" he stated happily.  " Just checking things out" He added.  " so you did.  Now leave and take your media mouth with you" Tatum said, and that's when i noticed Sid had made her way next to me.  Gale came in and got a few complements from girls as i simply role my eyes.  Tatum turned to sid, " Lets go get those beers." she said and looped her hands around sids as they made their way to the garage. I then turned to dewey, " Have you found my father?" I asked eagerly. " Im afraid not" he sigh sadly. 

   " Should i be worried?" I asked, " Not yet" Was his response.  I Nodded and walked away...



    Tatum and Sidney made their way into the garage turning on the light, watching the garage door open and close back.  They walked towards the fridge, opening it.  " Here" Tatum whispered as she handed Sidney some beers to hold. They didn't hear the door close behind them, locking them in.  Once their hands are full of beers, they hear something loud fall behind them, they spun around just to see that a cat had caused a few shovels to fall. " Jesus" they both muttered seeing the cat exit the cat door.  " Sidney, it's okay" Sid whispered to herself. Tatum used her foot to close the door then they both made their way to the closed door.  

  Tatum tried to open it but couldn't since it was locked.  " Shit" Sid whispered as some of the lights went out. Tatum knocked on the door, " He shitheads" She yelled. " Maybe it's someone joking with us" Sid whispered. Sid flicked the switch on the wall to see the garage door open.  They both walked towards it but before they could exit, it closed back. They turned around to see a masked figure had pressed the button to close the door.  " Is that you randy?" Sid asked amused. Until the figure shook its head 'no'. 

  " Cute. What movie is this from? 'i spit in your garage'" Tatum asked, her voice sounding amused.  She walked up until she was close to his body. Sidney though kept her distance, feeling as if something was wrong. " Lose the outfit, if Emma see's it she'll flip" Tatum said to him. 

  But the killer shook his head 'no'.  " Oh, you wanna play psycho killer?" Tatum asked amused and the masked man shook his head 'yes'.  " Can i play the helpless victim?" He nodded. "Okay, let's see...NO, please don't kill me Mr. ghost face, i wanna be in the sequel" She whispered and tried to move but the guy didn't let her. " Tatum" Sid whispered as she backed away.  " Cut Casper. Thats a wrap" She shouted. 

  The killer then grabbed Tatum's arm making the bottles drop to the ground. Shattering. " what the hell are you doing randy?" Sid yelled, scared for Tatum. He then took out a knife and cut Tatum's arm making Sid shriek and cover her mouth.

     Tatum backed away knocking over a few things. The killer started to run after her, but she knocked him out by opening the freezer, making him fall to the ground with a thump.  " Tatum" Sid yelled as they ran to each other.  Tatum pulled Sidney with her to the door but it was still locked. They both looked back to see the killer running to them. Sidney picked up the broken beer bottles and threw them at the killer, giving Tatum time to fine their escape.

 Tatum ran to the cat door, but before she could crawl through, she heard Sidney scream. She looked back to see the killer on top off Sidney, plunging his knife into her stomach and chest. Tatum started to cry until the killer looked at her. She franticly tried to push herself through the little cat sized door. Once her body was halfway out the killer pressed the button, and the garage door began to rise....


Stu said his goodbyes to people as they left his house, some of them saying how great the party was.  I walked around the end of the staircase yelling, "Tatum, Sid come one" 

  " There is nobody here but us chickens" Someone yelled. " Do you know where they are" I asked Stu as i turned around and walked next to Stu. 

  " No i haven't seen them" He replied. " ahhh" someone yelled at the door and i turn around to see.....Billy.  " Oh, Billy. Hey. Um. Have you seen Sid anywhere? I've been trying to find her." I asked him and he shook his head, no.  " Billy. Hmm. What are you doin' here?" Stu questioned rubbing his chin.  " I was hoping to talk to Emma, alone?" He asked kindly.  " You know if Tatum and Sidney see you here.  They will draw blood" i stated and he looked down.  " Why don't you go up to my parents' room? You know you guys can talk or whatever" he said suggestively and i just punch him in the arm and he muttered an 'ow' chuckling.  " Subtlety, Stu. You should look it up" Billy suggested.  " No, its okay, we need to talk" i said and started walking with Billy behind me. But not before punching Stu in the stomach making him groan. 

   Randy seen the two walking up the stairs and turned to Stu, " What's Leatherface doin' here?" He asked.. " Cute, He came to make up" Stu replied wiggling his eyebrows. 

 Randy turns towards the stairs in defeat. " There goes my chance with Emma. Damn it. " he muttered. Stu just turned to him confused and angered, " As if. Thats all I'm sayin'" He stated.

" AS if" he repeated as he closed the door. " Oh, really, Alicia" Randy exclaimed. Stu just walked in front of him.

" ' as if'... i'm going to go check on them"

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