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   Me and sidney have known each other for about five years. We are stepsisters. My dad married her mom. We may not look biologically related but we sure acted like it.  We are both 17 years old so we were interested in the same things and we bonded really well from the start. Since we had always been the same age, that sparked are sister bondage. 

Tonight was like any other night, me and sidney were having our 'girls night out' or 'sisters night out' as you like to call it. We would go to the movies, shopping ext. 

 It was around 10 pm, so our girls night had to come to an end. We were walking home carrying our bags. Why are two girls walking home in the dark you ask? Well nothing happens in Woodsboro so we always walked. We were talking and laughing as we were only about five minutes away from the house. " Did you see that girls face when she heard the news" sidney asked dying of laughter. She was referring to the movie we had watched tonight in theaters.  " I know, if her jaw hung open any further it would be on the floor" I replied, giggling. 

Our laughter and comments about the movie kept on as we crept our way home.  As we approach the house we see the front door slightly ajar. I looked over to sidney to see her mouth agape as well as mine. " Could mom have left the door open on accident?" I asked her and she thought for a moment.  Then she started to walk twards the house making me hiss under my breath. In the horror movies this always happens. The girl goes to check out the problem then she gets killed. Sidney turned around to me as she approached the door, " well are you going to come inside or stand in the dark all night?" She asks. 

" Sidney, the door was open and your just going to go inside? This always happens in horror movies, and guess what. When she goes inside, she gets killed" I explained as my hands flew in dramatic effect. She just rolled her eyes and entered the house. I sigh and cuss under my breath as i followed her despite my mental protests. 

 I enter the house, closing the door and locking it behind me. Setting the shopping bags on the floor.  

I walked behind Sidney as she made her way through the house inspecting the place. We walked all around the inside of the house. But one place. Our parents room. The reason we were worried was because dad was out of town on a work trip. So only our mother was home. I grabbed the bat out of my room as we made our way into our parents room. And what we saw will haunt us forever. My stepmother, sidneys mother on the bed, with barely any clothing on and drenched in her own blood. Sidney screamed as she ran to her mother, " EMMA GO GET THE PHONE AND CALL THE POLICE" She screamed. I didn't hesitate to run down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab the phone and dialing 911. 

" 911 whats your emergency" the operator asked. " My ste-epmother is dead, sh-shes dead" i said into the phone chocking on my words because of the tears. " Police our on there way" she said as i leaned into the wall crying. 

I hear a noise beside me, i look over to see someone walking out of the screen doors. It looked like.......cotton weary. 

" oh my gosh" i whispered. " i just saw cotton weary leave my back door" i whispered into the phone. " stay still police our on their way" and when she said that i hear police sirens outside. I drop the phone and run to sidney. I enter our parents room to see her dropped to the ground covered in her moms blood. Tear stained cheeks.

 I run over to her and envelope her in my warmth, " Sidney, police are her. I-i saw cotton weary leave the h-house it was h-him" i whispered to her as she cried into my shoulder. 

Police barged into the room, two cops coming over to us making us leave the room. They brought us outside to sit inside their ambulance while the corners office came and got my stepmothers body. And not once did me and sidney leave each others hug. As we sat in the ambulance, sidneys head rested on my shoulder as she and i cried like we never have before.

 But of course that had to be ruined. One of the police officers came up to me asking for me to give my statement. " You goin' to be okay for a minute Sid, i got to go talk to the police" i asked trying to dry my tears. She looked up from my shoulder and nodded. Thankfully dewey came over to her before i left giving her some reassurance. 

I sat up from the vehicle and made my way to the officer, drying my face as i walked.  I approached him as he took out is notepad.   " Can you tell me everything that happened? No detail is too small." He stated.

 " Well me and sidney were out tonight, going to the movies and things like that. We got home and we saw that the door was open a little. So we went inside to see what was going on. We searched every room until we got to our parents room.." I explained trying not to cry again as he jotted down the details on the paper. " When we walked in we saw her there, i went to call the police and thats when i saw cotton weary exit our back door and that was around the time you guys got her" i continued as he nodded. After he took my statement i was allowed to go back over to sidney as she resumed to cry on my shoulder. Every now and then i would giver her reassurance. 

I know that this night is going to haunt us for the rest of our lives, and that it i going to take a while to get back to normal. 

 The police declared that she had been raped and stabbed to death this evening, then they ended up arresting cotton weary, finding evidence that he did in fact kill her. 

 Little did we know that this was just the beginning of a crazy horror movie, and that soon the eyes of the sociopathic killers will be on me. With no intention of letting me go. 

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