Watch Out!

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   Me and Billy walked into Stu's parents' bedroom and sat on the end of the bed.   I was the first one to speak, " I'm sorry for accusing you" I whispered to him causing him to look at me, surprised. " I shouldn't have done that, you were just there to help, and i got you arrested. If you wouldn't have scared the killer away, i could be dead." I added and he took my left hand i his giving it a reassuring squeeze.

 " I'm sorry too, i shouldn't have scared you like that." He whispered " You have no reason to be sorry" I responded.   

  " Sidney broke up with me." He added after a moment of silence. I turned to him in shock. " W-what why" I asked stuttering since i was still in shock.  " She didn't really say why. But in all truth. Are relationship was falling apart anyway" He admitted.  I leaned my head on his shoulder and sighed, " Welcome to the life of being single" I joked. We both chuckled at that. 

  Who knew i had a sense of humor. 

  The out of nowhere I thought I heard something fall. I frantically look around, " Did you hear that?" I asked Billy and she shook his head. " Sorry, i must be hearing things. Ever since the attack, I've been paranoid" I admitted looking at the ground.  Billy slung his arm over my shoulder and brought me into his side, rubbing up and down my arm. 

  " It's perfectly normal" he whispered and kissed my forehead.  " I thought i was going to die" I whispered, making him tense. I took my hand and brought it to my face, tracing the scar from the attack that was still visibly noticeable.  " I felt so defenseless, like i couldn't do anything. Thank god for reflexes" I joked at the end. I was still rubbing my scar on my face when i feel someone else's hand caressing the scar.   

 His face was so close to mine i could feel his breath hit by cheeks as he inspected the scar.  " No one is every going to hurt you" he whispered and before i could comprehend what was going on i felt a pair of lips touch mine.  Billy was kissing me. 

  I didn't know what was possessing my body, but i found myself.....kissing him back.

 We had been kissing for about a minute when i feel Billy's hand go to my waist pulling me closer to him, the other one rested on my neck. His hand that was on my waist then slowly made its way to my inner thigh. Pulling me so that my right leg went over his lap. We continued kissing when his hands flew underneath my shirt, onto my hips, slowly drawing circles with his thumb. My hands went to his hair, gently pulling on the ends, listening to him groan against my mouth. His hands starting to rub up and down my bare sides. Our kisses becoming more needy and hot.

   Thats when I came to my senses and pulled back from the kiss. I saw Billy's disappointed look and sigh, " I'm sorry Billy, you got to understand, you and my sister just broke up and i don't want to hurt her like that" I explained, and he sadly nodded and looked down. 

 I looked behind him to see.........the killer!!! He pulled out his knife and walked slowly towards us. I started to breathe heavily, and Billy noticed and looked at me concerned.  " What's wrong" he quickly asked. " BILLY WATCH OUT" I screamed as i backed away. Billy turned around and saw the killer with his knife raised.  The killer then plunges the knife into Billy stomach, over and over again.  

  Billy turned to me with his whole white shirt, now red from the blood. " emma" He whispered before he fell to the ground.  By now i was already crying, trying to cover the sobs my clamping my hand over my mouth.  I looked back up to see the killer clean the blood off of his knife with his hand.  He charges to me. But i quickly jump over the bed and sprint out of the room, the killer following close behind. 

  I start to sprint down the stairs, but the killer comes out of the closet in front of me, making me turn around and run away from him. I run into the room and slam the door into him making him fall to the ground.  I took that as my opportunity to run into the supply closet that had three windows in it, I swiftly put things over the door, barricading it in. 

   I look around the room and saw the window, then the killer started beating on the door. " Shit!" I yell as i ran to the window. " Help me, somebody help!!" I yelled while banging on the window. I look back to see the killer almost through the door.  I quickly ran to the other window and opened it.. Sticking my legs out and then the rest of my body. I grab onto the windowsill when my full body was out to keep me from falling. I then trip, but thankfully i had my grip tight on the window so i didn't fall. "Help me!" I yelled as i looked around the yard, i then feel a hand on mine, pulling me. I look up to see the killer.

  I then pull away resulting in me falling to the ground. And when i did, it felt like the air had been knocked out of my lungs. And on top of that my ankle had the first hit, so it was throbbing in pain. It took me a minute to gain my composure when i looked up.... and saw Tatum, dead.  Her body hanging through the cat door.

I then put my hand over my mouth holding my sobs, but then i look down on the ground beside her, and how i wish i didn't. 


My sister.

Laying in a pool of her own blood.

I sobbed and crawled over to her, letting out more sobs.  I then cover my mouth and back away. Reluctantly. I ran, trying to ignore the pain in my ankle.  " HELP ME" I yelled as i limped in the yard.  I run until my body collides with a wooden fence. I quickly break off a few pieces, and crawl through the bottom. I run up to the news fan and knock on it loudly making Kenny, the news guy, shoot awake. " Let me in" I screeched.  He then opened the door and let me in, " The killer's coming after me! He's in the house" I stuttered. 

   " Where, Wait!" He said and looked onto a computer monitor.  I then close the door.  " There's a camera in the house, look" He said pointing to it. Thats when i saw the killer behind randy.  " Randy" I screeched.  Kenny then opened the door and saw that the front door to the house was, open.  He turned to me and the monitors, " Shit" 

" What" i asked " We're on a 30 second delay" He replied, " oh my god" i whispered. He then turns around only to get his throat slit by the killer.  After kenny fell to the ground, the killer looked at me. I close the sliding door in his face and made my way to the tiny door in the van, crawling out as i hear the killer trying to open the door. I fell out of the fan and onto the ground, hurting my ankle, again.  Ignoring the pain....i ran!

 I then kept running until i see the new van come into view, but it crashed into the ditch. I then rand back to the house, " DEWEY!" I yelled desperately.  " DEWEY WHERE ARE YOU?" I yelled as i approached the home.  I then ran towards the door when i see Dewey step out of it.  " Emma" He asked as he limped, i started to run to him but stopped when he fell to the ground.....with a knife sticking out of his back. But then i see the killer emerge from the door, taking the knife out of Dewey's back. 

 I started running, and i spotted Dewey's police car, i get in closing the door.  I then see the passenger side door unlocked and so did the killer, he reached to open it. But i locked it in time.  He then starts running to my door, seeing the window down. I quickly roll it up before he has the chance to get in.  And locking it.  I reach to turn the keys on........but they weren't there. I then hear tapping on the door, i look over to see the killer dangling the keys in his hands.  Then he ducks under the car.

    I look over to see that the passenger side door had unlocked.

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