Anyway, Taehyung knocked on the door, before he went in, closing the doors behind him.

,, Mr. Jeon, I've got the documents you wanted, can I-",, Thank you, Taehyung. Please, put them on the table and sit down. I'd like to discuss something with you," the older said as he was getting up, making his way to the door.

Taehyung could swear he heard the noise of locking them but didn't pay any attention to it, he might just overhear it.

What he paid attention to was the hand on his waist he felt during placing the documents into the envelopes. He was about to turn around, but the hands stopped him and before he could say something against it, he felt the older man pressing himself onto the younger and even grind himself against him.

No, couldn't be happening, not again-

,, Sshhh, be a good little girl and obey me, understand?"

Taehyung couldn't believe his ears. He was just called a girl? Something he hated himself for so much? Something that was the source of everything bad that has happened to him?

,, M-Mr. Jeon, please, d-don't-"

,, You don't make the rules here, baby. Just listen to me and we can get over with this sooner, okay?"

The younger was too terrified to refuse.

He was too scared to do anything that would anger the older mam more, so he didn't protest when Jeon sat in the chair and pulled him to his lap.

,, What an obedient little doll, might reward you later, my love, what do you think, hm? Do you think you deserve a reward for being so good? "

Tae was shaking too much to give the older any reply. Too terrified to do anything.

,, I asked you something, didn't I, doll?," the younger flinched as he felt the older's nails dig into his waist.

Still scared, Taehyung shakily nodded, receiving a grin from Jeon.
He never felt any sort of disgust or hate to anyone, but now he felt both and even more negative emotions towards the older.

The worst thing about all of this was that no one would come to save him. Not even Jeongguk, who was thinking that he had work to do, but instead of it, his father's filthy hands were all around his husband whom he promised he'd always protect. Only if he knew, if any signals were coming from his father, but he never noticed them. Maybe because there were any. It all happened so quickly, Taehyung could understand where it all came from.

Before he knew it, he was laying on the table, his pants being pulled down alongside his underwear.

,, What an ass you've got. Jeongguk's truly a lucky man, that's for sure."

After hearing his husband's name, Taehyung started trashing himself, trying to get out of the man's hold, until a harsh slap was delivered to his ass and thigh.

,, None of that, baby. You're gonna stay right where you are without any other moves, understood? Or else, there'll be consequences. "

If Taehyung wasn't shaking and crying of fear, he surely was now.

None of his pleads were heard when the disgusting man slammed himself into him, almost tearing him open.

The man slapped him every now and then, feeling pleasure in the pain of the other. Tae was just glad he didn't get his period at that time, one hundred percent sure he'd be slapped even for that.

Tears spilled from his beautiful eyes, screams left his pretty lips, but no one came to help him. No one could. No one would.

Once everything was over, Jeon got dressed back into his clothes and left his office, smirk displayed on his face, eyes not leaving Taehyung, who was now laid on the floor, semen and blood coming out of him, his clothes on the other side of room and face full of tears and snots.

He has never ever felt more disgusted with himself.



That's all what he told the police officer that came to their house, Jung Hoseok, Jeongguk's cousin. He couldn't talk about the other time, not now, not again.

Tae was sat at his husband's lap, face buried into his chest, while he cried his whole heart out. Even now he could still feel his touch, so disgusting. Not even Jeongguk's presence helped.

During his interrogation, he has run to the bathroom at least four times, trying to get rid of the horrible memories by scrubbing his whole body until his beautiful, honey skin was almost all red.

After that, Jeongguk gave him some of his clothes to wear, believing that his scent might help his love to calm down at least for a bit, which really helped, but Tae still couldn't help himself but try to scrub off his skin.

,, Okay, that could be it. I think I've heard everything I wanted, thank you both so much. You'd still have to go to the station, to continue with the interrogation and to sign some more papers, but I'll see what can I do to help you. I'll try my best, surely. Stay strong Taehyungie, Gguk. I'll see ya later. "

,, You see, my love? We'll get through this together, baby. I'm so sorry I wasn't there when you needed me, but I'm here now love. I'll make sure you're okay from now on and forever. You'll get your justice, Taehyungie, I swear to God I'll make him pay for what he has done to you."

,, But let's try to no to worry about it for now, hm? We can continue with our cuddling session if you want, sweetheart, we can do whatever you want, baby."

,, C-can we sl-sleep for n-now? "

,, Of course, we can. As I said, we can do whatever you want to. "

And just like that, Tae ended up on top of Jeongguk, his head laid in the crook of older's neck, his whole body sprawled over Gguk's.

,, I promise to love you even more, from now on, my love. If that's possible, I'll make sure to reach it, if impossible, I'll make it possible, my Angel. "

heya! 💜
it took me how much..about 2 years to make a part two for the 0.7, but here it is!
once again, I hope it's something you all are gonna like or liked because for me, as usual, it was kinda boring and it was not the thing I imagined and wished it to be://

but! only 10 one-shots to write and after that, i can get into your requests, so stay tuned, please!
I'll try to update as much as i can during my free time since i don't think i'll be able to do it during school:((

love yall😽🤍

tae-centric oneshots |vxbts|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें