Dream Fantasy AU x Yandere: Gods Maknae Line x Water Goddess Y/N

Start from the beginning

"Why?" I asked him and he just brushes my hair back and kisses my exposed cheek, "because I won't drop you like they did. I would always be here when you return and I'll show you around the best place where you can see part of heaven, part of the underground and enjoy as many flowers here. You being the prettiest of them all." 

Is this man seriously serenading me on the first meet? Not bad. 

"Okay, I'll join you." And we both toured around him showing me tidepools, the depth of the oceans and I was somehow able to breath underwater and understand marine life with no problem. He then brought me back up to the surface and showed me those flowers he talked about that stood 50- 200 feet tall. I remained amazed by the colors shown and the vegetation around was all purple instead of green. 

"How did you-" 

"All for you my darling." He and I just smile before being interrupted by someone else.  

"Taehyung!" Oh so that's his name. "You have some gall to be taking away my goddess, hiding her away and not letting me see her," Taehyung only just smiled crazily, "What do you mean?  Don't you mean that you've stolen her from me, Jiminie?"   

"You've got some nerve to be talking to me like this." Jimin punched him harshly and I stood in the middle trying to break up the fight to only be pulled by both Jimin and Taehyung who play this awful game of tug a war, using my body as a collateral and whoever wins will take me away. 

Unfortunately, Jimin let goes of me, making Taehyung and I fall down with me on top of Taehyung's body. He immediately dashes up to me to scoop me up in his arms and he launched us into the sky, flying up as a rocket would, where I felt the cold blast of air and the mist of the clouds brush against my smooth skin and behind me I saw those boom rings they talk about and eventually I became numb to the cold. 

He held me up quite well before, holding up my face, and trying to kiss me, but I put my hand to his lips, "You better let me know what's going on before you continue." I asked him to which he said, "Taehyung and Jungkook are the imposters. I'm the one who is going to be looking after you well in their place. Taehyung may have shown you the surface ground, where you only could see these fluffy clouds, but I can take you further, into other worlds other than here only if you would allow me to." 

I am curious as to what he meant. "Okay then show me." And Jimin took me across the layers of atmospheres in the sky and to outer space where I saw the bright stars standing cluttered and it felt even colder outside of the cool purple planet. He took off his coat and put it around me, "Here you go honey. Even if you need my body to keep warm, I would give you all of me. I'm yours as long as you stay by my side." 

I feel flattered but confused by all this. Just moments ago I enjoyed Taehyung, to only be kidnapped by Jimin who shows me another side of this world and I feel my heart pattering fast- tied by handsome ethereal men who are toying with my feelings without considering how I would feel about how they treat me as an object of love- rather than looking at me as an equal to them whose feelings and boundaries should be respected. 

Suddenly I felt my body being hooked by a vine, but then I see coils of thick metal wires gripping me and pulling me back down to Earth, with Jimin chasing after me but before he could reach me he only was able to grab his coat. 

I see the collected layer of ice on my skin melting away by the fire as I brace myself for impact. I look down to see Taehyung and another man, who I assume to be Jungkook, holding the metallic coiled wires before I land in the water to waken to a new shock wave, but I didn't feel too much pain as I expected- in fact I noticed that I felt healed, if not stronger in water. 

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