Chapter Six

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Dread and regret filled me. If only I had not dropped the knife, or if only id have picked it up, id have a way of getting myself out of this situation, but I did not do either of those things. So here I am, in this beast's windowless torture chamber. Terror floods my system. What will he do to me? I tried to escape, I had a weapon, I discovered this 'room,' fearing for my life, trying to shrink further underneath the bed. An abrupt arm appearing and getting tangled in my long, distressed hair, putting a sudden stop to my actions.

"And where do you think you're going? I told you, you wouldn't get away, but you didn't believe me, did you?" Laughter echoing around me, Jason's strong grip on my hair, only got stronger as I got torn from my spot. Throwing me on the floor and towering over me, Jason's deep blue eyes piercing into my own emerald, green ones, taking my breath away with the dominance in his stare, making me want too just disappear.

"Anything to say for yourself?" Words hitting me like a ton of bricks, anything to say for MYSELF?! Nothing here is my fault, how can he even try and play that card? Confidence replaced my fear, finding my feet, and somehow pulling myself up and ready to stand my ground. "Myself? Do you have anything to say for YOURSELF?! You! Are the one who kidnapped me, brought me to this place, kept me against my will, threatened me! And I am the one of trial here?? No! I do not think so. YOU MONSTER!" Breathless from my outburst that I did not even know I had in me, fear no longer controlled my body, anger taking over every word. Getting right up in my face, Jason lost it.

"How dare you! HOW DARE YOU?!" Trying to create some distance from Jason, as his hot, smoky breath cast over my face. Slowly backing away, but that did not make him stop. "I took you away from a mother who did not give a fuck! A house you were a slave in! A town you were all alone in! And I am a MONSTER? Really?! Fine, you want me to be the monster, here I am then." All too soon, my back collided with something hard, but Jason did not stop moving towards me. Turning my head away from him as his chest contacted mine. All the air from inside my lungs left when I saw what I was against. Unable to move, panic and fear coursing through my body, heart beating so fast, feeling like it will burst out my chest.

"This, is a saltire cross, its used for restraining pretty little brats like you, your wrists and ankles are cuffed to each corner, and you will then be at my mercy, if I decide to show you any." The evil laugh that escaped his mouth sent chills down my spine, and a singular tear trailed down my pale cheek. All to suddenly my wrists were seized by his strong hands, trying to struggle out of his grip only ended in him tightening it, to the point where my hands were losing blood circulation, but I did not want to stop, to give up, to be helpless in front of him. I couldn't show weakness, vulnerability. My struggles halted when his plump lips were perched next to my ear, hot breath flowing down my neck, sending chills down my spine, tousled ebony hair lightly brushing on my skin.

"I'd stop struggling if I were you, it will only make things worse." Hearing the prominent smirk in my capture's whispers to me, knowing this was a threat. Still not wanting to give up but my body fought against me, blood pumping through my veins so fast I could hear it pounding in my ears, my heart was in my throat, I couldn't speak, breath, move. Ocean blue eyes piercing into my own glistening green ones, feeling paralysed, unable to even blink. Using my current state to his advantage, Jason cuffs my wrists to the cross without taking his eyes off mine. Heart still racing like its about to jump out of my chest, eyes feeling so dry and painful, starting to water, but too paralysed to do anything but stare.

"Good girl." The second those words left his retched mouth, the tears that were building up to help protect my tired, sore eyes, started to fall. There was nothing I could do to stop these silent tears from falling down my frozen face. Seeing the terror in my tears, something flashed in Jason's eyes, empowerment? Satisfaction? What man would have that reaction to a woman crying?? Oh, but he's not a man, he's a beast, an animal. No man would do any of the things he has. A deep, husky voice pulling me out of my thoughts. "Say my name." Silence was my only response.

"I said, SAY MY NAME!" Screaming his repeated sentence in my face, so close I could feel his harsh breath taking over my face, the warmness of it feeling like knives in my eyes, the harshness closing my throat, choking a sob that kept threatening to escape my dry, chapped lips, but silence was still my response.

"I will not tell you again." Pure authority in his tone, a simple look of dominance and my lack of freedom to escape, confirming I was trapped, I could not get out of this, I am at his mercy whether or not I want to admit it.

"Jason" Answering with my voice just over a whisper, tears streaming down my face harder than before, sobs echoing. Head hanging low, showing all of my vulnerability to this animal that stood before me, my capture.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it, baby girl." That famous smirk etched onto that smackable face. Scrunching my eyes shut to avoid looking at it, or at the disturbing things scattered around this room. Noticing this, the beasts' hands were on my jean button, popping it open. Swiftly opening my eyes upon feeling that happen, expecting to see Jason in my face, but he's not. Tentatively glancing down, seeing him on his knees in front of me. Thrashing my legs around to get him away, at least, attempting to. Seizing my ankle, his claws digging into my skin. A pained gasp left my throat.

"I wouldn't." Eyes still focused on my zipper, claws still in my skin, until a broken submissive sign escaped from my body, legs going limp, body, numb. An approving sign left his lips and without hesitation my zipper is undone, jeans being torn from my body.

"You're in for a fun night baby."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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