{ Chapter Eleven }

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Greyson's POV:

I'm currently in the kitchen preparing dinner for everybody. Duke comes in to help every so often. I'm not sure what Dylan likes so I plan on making a little bit of everything, burgers, hot dogs, chips, and even some pizza. This should be more than enough.

"Alex! Hunter!" I shout.

A few seconds later they both come running into the kitchen. "Yes?" They both ask.

"Could you please set the table?"

"Sure," Hunter answers.

"Thank you, sweetheart"

As I'm taking out the last pizza, Jaxon walks into the kitchen.

"Where's Dylan?" I ask him.

"He is phoning a friend," He says.

"What? He has a phone?"

"No, I um..."

"Jaxon?" I raise a brow at him.

"Love, he was sitting there all doe-eyed and precious, he was practically begging me in that charming voice of his, and well... I folded"

Of course he folded, out of all of us he would obviously be the one to fold first.

I mean, I could tell Jaxon felt something for this boy, he had a childish crush or something, although I said that about Duke and look where we are.

I mean, it's not wrong to say the boy is good-looking, he's cute I'll give him that.

"I'll put this stuff on the table if you get Dylan?"

"Deal," I say.

I stroll over to the stairs and make my way up to them, then along to Dylan's room. I knock a few times and wait for a 'come in' After a few seconds I knock again maybe he didn't hear me. Again, no answer. Getting worried, I open the door and walk in to see Dylan lying on the bed.

"Dylan?" I whisper.

No reply.

"Dylan?" I whisper again.

No answer.

Letting out a sigh I make my way over to him and crouch down on the side of his bed.

"Dylan, come on buddy" I lightly shake his shoulder.

"Mmhm, no shhh, sleepy time." He whimpers in his sleep. I can't lie, that's actually quite adorable.

"Dylan, dinner is ready" I try again.

"Hmm?" He asks, slowly opening his eyes.

"Dinner, come on. You must be hungry"

"Oh, right. I must have fallen asleep. Sorry"

"There's no need to apologize"

"Right" He replies.

He quickly gets up and lets out a yawn and stretches.

"Come on then," I say and walk out of the room, Dylan close by.

As we walk closer to the kitchen, we can hear the boys bickering.

"Hey, Dylan! I've saved you a seat!" Alex speaks once he spots us.

Dylan goes over and sits in the seat between Alex and Hunter.

I go and sit at the head of the table, Alex to my right and Duke to my left. Jaxon comes and sits next to Duke.

"So as I was saying, if unicorns were real, which they aren't, we would have surely found them by now," Duke says.

"Well, what if they're hiding?" Alex spits back.

"What? Surely a horse with a massive horn on its head would be pretty easy to spot" Duke laughs.

"Maybe in an undiscovered place?" Hunter speaks up.

"There's no proof of their existence" Duke replies.

"Maybe they haven't found anything yet?" Said, Hunter.

"Well, they will when pigs fly" Duke laughs.

"Oh stop being so rude, tu cattivo ragazzo!" Jaxon scolds Jaxon. (Translation: You mean boy!)

At his change of language, Dylan pokes his head up, a look of confusion plastered on his face. He opens his mouth to speak but quickly shuts it before anyone can notice, anyone except me.

"Onestamente, una stupida conversazione sugli unicorni si trasforma in un dibattito, sul serio?" (Translation: Honestly, a silly conversation about unicorns turns into a debate, seriously?)

"Jaxon can speak Italian, Dylan. In case you were wondering" I tell him.

He just nods his head and goes back to eating some chips.

"Yeah, my grandmother was insistent I learn her language. My mother moved from Italy when she was twenty, and she never really went back permanently. We used to go back to visit my grandmother and she'd always teach me some Italian" Jaxon adds.

"Was it erm, hard to learn?" Dylan asks.

"Well, it wasn't easy. But I managed" Jaxon's face lights up as if he's excited that Dylan has actually tried to engage in a conversation.

I smile also, happy to see Dylan at least attempting to be a part of the conversation.

Dylan just nods and goes back to fiddling with his food, I'm guessing he's just shy. Hopefully, he'll get used to us.

Dylan's POV:

After about an hour of the boys chatting, laughing, and trying to get me to talk which I hated. They barely know me but they're acting like they're my best friends. It is a little weird. I just wanna go back to sleep.

"Um, Greyson?"

His head immediately turns to my directing with a big smile on his face.


"Can I go back to my room please?"

He inspects my plate. "You've barely eaten anything"

"I'm not that hungry" That was a half-truth, I just wanted to be alone for a little while.

"Dylan, you should really eat some more," He encourages me.

"Please, I'm just tired,"

He thinks for a minute before answering. "Hm, alright then. Goodnight"

"Night," I said before, getting up and walking back to my bedroom. Shutting the door, and let out a sigh.

I walk over to my suitcase, which I still need to unpack and pull out a random pair of pyjamas. 

I pull on some loose pyjama bottoms and a slightly oversized shirt. Then hop into bed, trying to get comfortable under all the covers. After finally getting comfy I shut my eyes and wait for sleep to take over. And it's not long before that happens.

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