{ Chapter Ten }

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Dylan's POV:

"So, what do you think?" Alex asks me as soon as he opens the door to my room.

I take a look around. I was relieved to see there were no extremely bright colours. There was a large bed with neatly fouled covers, a few pillows, and even a cute little teddy bear. Which I won't be using. There was a desk in the corner and a spinny chair and I even had a rug in the centre of the room.

"Do you not like it? I can go tell Greyson. Oh, we're really sorry!" Alex exclaims.

"What? No, no I like it. It's perfect," I assure him.

"Really? It's a little dull," A voice from outside the door says.

"No, it's not. It's nice, Duke" Hunter scolds him.

Duke walks in and gives the room an inspection.

"Hmm, yes it's lovely," He rolls his eyes.

This guy sounds like a dick.

"Yes, I think it is," I tell him.

He just gazes at me, his eyes slowly travelling up and then back down my body before meeting my eyes, his stare sends a shiver down my spine. "Hm, well as long as you like it"

"And I do,"

Hunter lets out a small giggle at my remark, while Alex tries to hide a smirk.

"Whatever, Jaxon said he'd bring up your stuff, newbie"

"What did you call me?"



"Are you deaf?" He smirks.

Alex just lets out a little dramatic gasp.

"No, are you dumb?"

"Oooh!" Hunter says, clearly he's having fun watching us.

"Whatever," Duke walks out.

"You better not do that in front of Greyson," Hunter says, walking over and sitting on the bed.

"Why?" I ask.

"He won't like it," Alex tells me.

"He's strict sometimes," Hunter adds.

"Great," I say sarcastically, and roll my eyes.

"We'll let you settle in, I'll get Greyson or Jaxon to bring your bags up," Hunter tells me.

"I can bring my bag up it's alright"

"No, no! You must be tired, I'm sure they'll be able to do it anyways... Lots of stairs" Alex butts in.

"Okay then. Thanks" I grin.

"Bye!" Alex squeals before exiting my room.

Hunter pokes his head back through the door. "Oh! before I forget one of us will shout on you for dinner, any requests?"

"Oh, um. Just anything"

"You sure?"


"Okay then, see you later"


Alex seems rather friendly, nervous, yes, but still pleasant. Hunter doesn't seem too bad, and that grumpy bastard Duke, arsehole.

Jaxon, I've known him for longer, but not really long, but he seems harmless. And that big one, Greyson or whatever, he's a big spooky bastard. Maybe he's actually nice, still, you won't find me getting on his bad side.

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