Next Morning

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"Kaitlyn, get the hell up, we have to get ready," Lars said while lightly poking Kaitlyn's cheek.

"Ugh...b-but Lars..the sun hasn't even risen yet," Kaitlyn grunted, rubbing her eyelids.

"Well, do you want me to meet your boy toy by mid afternoon or not? Besides, if we leave later, the longer it takes to get to Airroad,"

"Oh," Kaitlyn jumped out of bed and grabbed her bag and signaled to Lars to leave so she could change. Lars left.

"I guess I will be the one to make breakfast, huh," Lars said while leaving. Kaitlyn began changing and she looked over to see Anya still peacefully sleeping. She grabbed her quiver and put it on her back. She grabbed the Bow of Loyalty.

"Odd," she muttered.

"Why would he leave without the Axe?" She grabbed both the bow and the Axe with her arms full, she walked over to Anya and woke her up. She woke without a fit. They packed up the remaining items. They emerged to see the sun barely rising and that most of the tents were already down and loaded into the wagon. Kaitlyn looked around to find Lars. After a few seconds, she spotted Lars in front of the cooking pot. Kaitlyn and Anya walked over to him.

"Holy g-guacamole what is that awful smell?" Kaitlyn said concerned, plugging her nostrils with her shirt.

"Ewwww," Anya said while looking into the pot, her shiny skin reflected into the pot due to the sun.

"What?! It's a damn family recipe. Get used to it or starve," Lars said while throwing in various foods in the boiling pot.

"W-Well whatever, this family recipe of yours is a waste of our r-rations," Kaitlyn said while taking away bags of food and placing them back into the wagon.

"Jesus! Fine!" Lars snapped while he flapped his wings. Everyone froze. "Breakfast is ready!" Everyone sheepishly walked up to grab a serving. They all sat down in silence, too afraid to piss Lars off more. Kaitlyn took a few bites and tried her hardest not to spit it out.

This tastes like he killed something this morning, and threw in anything he found. Kaitlyn thought to herself. She lifted her head to see both Lars and Anya shoveling down piles of the stuff, while everyone else was trying not to vomit. They washed down the bowls and silverware and put it into the wagon. Everyone got on in and they pulled out of the woods on a rough and bumpy path.
"So, we should be to Airroad by noon," Lars said.

"O-Okay Lars, I will call Zac now," said Kaitlyn. She dug in her bag for the walkie-talkie and pulled it out with a shaky hand.

"Z-Zac it's me, p-pick up now!" Kaitlyn and Lars waited for the response. A few minutes passed.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Zac said panicking.

"N-Nothing just needed to get your attention," Kaitlyn said playfully.

"Oh, what is it now?" Zac said annoyed.

"W-We should be a-arriving at noon,"

"Okay, I snuck some poison in my men's breakfast and already half of them have gone back to their barracks. Once they are all in, I'm going to lock them in and turn up the gas,"

"U-Um o-okay see you then,"


"Bye," Kaitlyn put the walkie-talkie back in her bag

Ark Lore Part 1: The GoalWhere stories live. Discover now