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"Here should be good," Lars said while pulling the wagon off into the woods. He bought the wagon to a complete stop, there they got off and set up tents. After the first tent was up, Kaitlyn brought Anya into it to feed her and put her to sleep. Kaitlyn emerged from the tent to help with the last few tents. Afterwards, she used the wood gathered to start a fire.

"H-Hey Lars, what do you want me to cook," Kaitlyn asked.

"Make whatever is tasty and something you'll think I'll like," Lars said, Kaitlyn immediately thinking of something in the crates.

"Uh-um okay," Kaitlyn anxiously looked into one of the crates and pulled out some packages of beef and rice. She took the pot down to the creek and filled it with fresh stream water. She also took this time to grab some more drinking water. She walked back to the camp, almost falling several times on the way back. At the camp, she started to cook. She threw in the rice and cut up the steak with a sharp steak knife, she almost chopped her fingers off. After the meal was finished, she called everyone over to eat.
"Wow you know how to cook," Lars praised Kaitlyn.

"O-Oh well t-thanks Master Lars I-I have always been able to throw together a decent meal with the bare minimum." Kaitlyn said while faintly blushing. They finished eating and Kaitlyn brought the dishes to the creak, there she and a few other Arks washed the dishes. As they returned to the fire, the main group was telling their stories and why they were sent to Kensy Hill Mental Institute. After everyone finished, they all looked at Lars.

"Why the hell are your creepy ass cyclop looking eyes staring at me?" Lars growled confused and angered.

"Lars, w-why where you sent to KHMI in the first place, don't yell at me please, I-I'm just curious," Kaitlyn bravely asked. "Everyone and the general public were told that you were mentally unfit to rule,"

"Of course they would hide the damn truth," Lars practically yelled, his one brow dawning.


"They're my father's advisers."


"They they they -uhhhh shut the hell up! Does it look like I want to talk about it servant?" Lars began to stutter and shake even though he tried to stop it.

"W-Well you don't have to tell us everything yet Lars," Kaitlyn said while everyone nodded. Lars grinned his teeth and sheepishly glanced away, getting ready to hesitantly speak.

"My father, Luke III, was attempting policy reform, and none of his advisors would agree with him, I remember constant yelling coming from that damn meeting room. Constant yelling and howling filling my damn ears that were already filled with everything I had to hear," Lars took a shallow breath and continued.

"Well one damned afternoon I was with my father in the throne room. He was teaching me spear work so I could one day use the Lance of Heroes. We were sparing and I was unable to land any of my blows. But instead of feeling annoyed, I felt...happy, I always felt that way around him," Lars took a pause and looked around to see everyone was staring at him. Lars continued.

"Then it happened, banging noises came from in front of the throne room. My father's face filled with shock. The door kept being banged like someone was trying to break it down. My father realized what was happening. He grabbed me and threw me into a secret passage under the throne that leads to our living quarters. Before he closed the door, he told me to run to my mother and not to look back. Shortly after that door closed, I heard the main doors to the throne room give in. I heard yelling..." Lars paused and swallowed.
"I-It's okay," Kaitlyn comforted while putting her arm around Lars to comfort him. Tears ran down Lars' face. He began to mutter.

"Then..then....I heard the damned noise of those banned weapons, guns..they shot him..." Lars continued to cry.

"Instead of running to my mother, I waited for them to leave. Once the room felt empty and lifeless, I emerged from the secret passage to find him..." Lars shook more.

"He was DEAD. SOAKED IN HIS OWN DAMN BLOOD AT THE BASE OF THE STEPS TO THE THRONE," Lars yelled, a vein popping through his circular skull.

Everyone was looking at Lars and most of them were crying along with Lars. Kaitlyn was the worst type of mess. She was sobbing and the cheap mascara and eyeshadow she wore was smudged all over her cheeks. Snot was coming out of her nose and saliva was leaking through her lips.

"I-I-I'm so sorry Lars no one should go through that," Kaitlyn said while trying to stop herself from crying.

"Well just don't be. You weren't there so you have no idea the pain I went through. It drove me damn mad, so damn mad I wanted to murder them all. All of those nine bastards my father trusted. I plotted it, I planned on grabbing the Lance of Heroes from the vault and chopping all nine of their heads off, but one of them found my journal I wrote in when he was snooping in my room. He got an earful from my mother. The sad thing though she was powerless to stop them when they were in control. They took a vote on what to do to me. All of them voted to strip me of my title and lock me in that damned building," Lars finished his rant and ran to his tent, his huge demon like wings bouncing behind him. Everyone was still crying. Kaitlyn was wiping off the mess she created with her tears.

"I think I'm going to hit the sack," One of the Arks said. Everyone shook their heads and started their nighttime routines. Kaitlyn stomped at the fire to put it out with an unsteady leg. She grabbed some water and washed off her face. She grabbed her quiver and sharpened a few of her arrows. She walked into her tent to see both Lars and Anya peacefully sleeping. She took off her quiver and placed it and the bow of Loyalty on top of a crate next to the Axe of the Oppressed.

She grabbed her bag and took out a change of clothes. She was unsure if Lars was asleep or not so she was more careful. She stepped outside and walked down to the creek to change. She stumbled a few times, most of the times falling. She made it and began to change. While in the middle of changing, she heard noises coming from the bushes and she instinctively reached behind her to load an arrow then she facepalmed when she realized she left the Bow of Loyalty in the tent. She quickly finished changing and ran back to her tent. As she entered, Lars lifted his head up and muttered.

"What the fuck is your problem?"

"I-I just heard some weird noises that's all, and watch your language when you're around her," Kaitlyn whispered while pointing to Anya, who was sound asleep.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about the kid," Lars muttered. Kaitlyn walked over to her bed and laid down under the thin blanket. It was kind of cold. Even without Lars' heat and Anya's was cold. Kaitlyn sucked in a deep breath and whispered.

"Good night......master,"

"Good night, the fuck you just called me?"


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