30 Minutes latter

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"Alright, everyone who is willing to possibly give up their lives to live free again, we shall leave for Offhight. We should be there in approximately three minutes at our top speeds," Lars made clear to the sticks of yellow and orange. Arks started jumping and flapping their wings to gain height and momentum.

"Okay I'm ready to get on when you are, I have everything," Kaitlyn said, beginning to get onto Lars' back.

"Okay I'm ready," Lars said. He sheathed the Axe of the Oppressed and Kaitlyn gripped his furry shoulders. Lars jumped and started flapping his wings. The two started rising and slowly the others rose as well. Painted in the sky were more than dozens of yellow arks flying behind Lars, who was the only non discolored insane Ark leading them.

"Wow, this is amazing! I-I have never been this high!" Kaitlyn shrieked holding onto Lars for dear life. A thought floated around in Kaitlyn's mind, what would happen if I fell off, would Lars save me?

"Yeah it is, christ, I never thought carrying someone while flying would be this damn hard," Lars grunted.

"Are you calling me F A T!," Kaitlyn screamed at Lars, almost losing her balance.

"No, I have never felt this much pain on my back before," Lars said, calming the servant's nerves down.

"Oh I'm sorry your highness," Kaitlyn said.

"It's fine, look, we are here," Lars said. He started his dissention. The others also started. "People, we must proceed with caution, we may end up fighting the militia. If we do, I will cut them down with the Axe of the Oppressed. Then you can arm yourselves with their weapons. We can then continue to gather supplies and then we can leave," Lars commanded.

"Um-m L-Lars the militia is charging out from the gate, g-get ready!!" Kaitlyn screamed while sloppily firing arrows. Due to the far range, most of her shoots missed, but an arrow managed to hit someone in the arm causing them to fall in pain. Lars grabbed the Axe of the Oppressed and charged at the raging militia. Behind him was Kaitlyn who was firing shots and the insane were charging. They punched their way through arming themselves as they killed. Lars already cut down half of the militia. Only a few of Lars' army fell.

"People, if you wish to live, surrender any supplies. If not, we will burn this damn place down," Lars yelled. People started throwing supplies at them. Kaitlyn found a wagon and started loading it.

"Holy s-shit, this is a lot, should we really be taking this?" Kaitlyn said concerned.

"No," A deep voice yelled.

"AHH," Kaitlyn shrieked as she rolled past a lance swipe.

"I will not allow you to do this," The man yelled. Kaitlyn reached behind her for an arrow, before she could load another swipe was coming. She was backed into the corner of the wagon with no escape. "Yes! Cower like the beast you are!" The man yelled. Kaitlyn closed her eyes in anticipation to feel the lance cut through her. But the pain never came. She opened her eyes to see the man on the floor with his head cut clean off. Behind him was the tall and thick figure of Lars.

"Are you really that stupid servant! You left yourself wide open! If I had not have heard your scream you would be dead. DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN! YOU HEAR ME? I honestly don't need you to die!" Lars yelled at Kaitlyn as she cowered in fear.

"Okay, w-well t-thank you Lars," Kaitlyn said while wiping her tears away with her forearm.

"Finish loading up dammit. Me and the others will start burning this place down," Lars said while leaving the wagon. Kaitlyn left right after him. There were only a few more boxes of food and weapons left to load.

"You could use some help miss," One of the insane Arks offered.

"Oh thanks, b-but you don't have to take it all," Kaitlyn said shocked as he picked up the remainder of the boxes and loaded them.

"It's okay, you looked after me, so now I'm looking after you," he said.

"You're right Jim," Kaitlyn said.

"Wow he really is burning this place down,"

"H-Holy shit he is!" Kaitlyn said shocked. Above, was Lars throwing lit torches at buildings causing them to catch ablaze. "Well I better grab those horses so we will be able to move this wagon, before he gets too carried away. Kaitlyn speed walked over to the stables and attached reins to the horses and walked them over to the loaded wagon. On the wagon was the rest of Lars' army.

"I think we are done here," Lars said amongst the flames and the screams of the townspeople. Everyone got onto the wagon. Lars sat on top to drive the horses. Kaitlyn sat below with everyone else. She looked up to see Lars waving to her to be shotgun. Kaitlyn climbed her way up to the seat. "Where to now," Lars said.

"Airroad, there we will meet up with Zac, a long time friend of mine. He's a well renowned general in the main human army. He is how I was able to get the Axe Of The Oppressed," Kaitlyn said.

"Airroad, do you know how far away it is?"

"Y-Yes, two days on horseback but an hour and a half flight, and there is no way we can fly all of these s-supplies,"

"How is he supposed to know when we will arrive!" Lars yelled. Everyone was looking at them. Kaitlyn was a bit scared but kept her cool.

"Simple," She grabbed for her bag and pulled out an old walkie talkie. "Zac, do you hear me? It's Kaitlyn and we need to talk," A few minutes later a faint response came through.

"Yes, what do you need to talk about?" Zac said, not amused.

"I'm with L-Lars and we just finished raiding a village and we are heading to Airroad. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, there are only seventy-five troops stationed here I just sent some over to Merceus yesterday,"

"G-Good, we only have sixty in our ranks s-so far,"

"Oh, I know pursuing these guys to fight for us will be a no, they eat, sleep, and breath, what those tyrunts preach,"

"Well, there goes all hope of b-bolstering our forces before taking over Airroad. We'll see you in two days Zac,"

"Yeah, see you then," Zac said. Kaitlyn shut off the walkie talkie and put it back in the bag.

"So two days, I propose that we spend tonight in the Ogma Woods," Lars said.

"O-Okay L-Lars," Kaitlyn sighed.

"Uh, your Highness, we found a child ark in the wagon, and there's something o-off about it," said one of the Arks shepplisly.

"YOU FOUND A WHAT," Lars yelled as Kaitlyn shuddered from Lars' loud and booming voice.

"A-A c-child," Kaitlyn stuttered on her words.


"Y-Yes, it must have been put in by its parents, poor fella," one of the arks lifted up the child to Kaitlyn, there she noticed the discoloration. "H-Hum u-m it's red and purple and it sparkles in the sunlight," said Kaitlyn examining the shiny ark.

"I guess for now she can stay with us," Lars smirked.

"You W-WILL help me take care of her, right Lars?" Kaitlyn questioned.

"Fine, if she gets in my way, I will not hesitate to kill her," Lars said.

"I bet Zac would h-help us raise her," Kaitlyn said while holding the child. "What should we name her?"

"How about Anya?"

"Anya! I love it! Do you like it, Anya?" Anya looked up to Kaitlyn and smiled with one sharp tooth over her bottom lip.

Ark Lore Part 1: The GoalWhere stories live. Discover now