Chapter Eight: (Y/N) is the lost princess

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The next morning, Steven was pacing in his cell wondering what had happened to (Y/N). How did Drax and Rocket know about (Y/N) and her magic hair? Where is she? Did Hela take her? All these questions ran through his mind. Soon, Guards came in telling Steven it was time to go. Time to be hung for his crimes. He lived a long life. With (Y/N), Hela was taking her hair out of the plat the girls made for her. But she was upset. How could Steven betrayer like that? She trusted him and where did that get her? Back home.

Hela told (Y/N) that she tried to warn her what was out there in the world. Just a cruel and heartless place that, once they find some ray of sunlight, they destroy it. Hela left (Y/N) to clean up before dinner and leave her to her thoughts. Once Hela closed the curtain to (Y/N)'s room, she looked at the little flag Steven had gotten her. Groot hugged her for comfort. She laid on her bed and looked up at the multiple paintings she made. But she noticed something in them. She looked at the flag and looked at the ceiling again. Then she saw it.

She saw the sun that was on the flag on her wall. But then she saw another. And another until she saw them practically everywhere. Then she remembered where she first saw it. She saw it on her mobile when she was born. And she saw her parents, the king and queen. And now she realised why the crown seemed to fit her so well. It was her crown! She backed up against her dresser realising the awful truth that she was taken by Hela.

Back with Steven, he was being escorted to the execution platform when he noticed some familiar faces. Drax and Rocket. He escaped the guards and yelled at them wanting to know how they knew about (Y/N). They told him that Hela told them about her. That's when he released something.

Hela was doing exactly what he did to (Y/N) to try and take her back to the tower. But not for the same reason he did it. The guards took him away. Back in the tower, Hela heard the commotion and went to see what was going on. (Y/N) exited the room still in shock.

"I'm the lost princess," (Y/N) mumbled.

"Please, speak up, (Y/N). You know how I hate the mumbling," Hela said.

"I am the lost Princess. Aren't I?" Hela realised what was happening, "Did I mumble, Mother? Or should I even call you that?"

Hela tried to lie more than she already had, "(Y/N), do you even hear yourself? Why would you ask such a ridiculous question?"

"It was you!" (Y/N) pushed Hela away, "it was all, you."

"Everything I did, was to protect you," (Y/N) pushed Hela out of her way and made her way down the stairs, "(Y/N)!"

"I spent my entire life hiding from people who would use me for my power."


"I should have been hiding from you."

"Where will you go? He won't be there for you."

"What did you do to him?"

"That criminal is to be hanged for his crimes."


"Now, now. It's all right. Listen to me. All of this is as it should be," Hela tried to pat (Y/N)'s hair.

"NO!" (Y/N) grabbed her wrist, "you were wrong about the world. And you were wrong about me. And I will never let you use my hair, again!"

(Y/N) pushed her to a mirror making it fall over and smash. (Y/N) headed for the door.

"You want me to be the bad guy? Fine. Now I'm the bad, guy," Hela said following.

Back at the prison, Steven was struggling against the guards, trying to escape them and get to (Y/N). Then all the doors closed. The Captain banged on the door ordering it to be opened. But the window slit opened to reveal Bruce asking for the password. Of course, the Captain just ordered him to open the door but Bruce wouldn't. As the Captain counted to three to let Bruce open the door, Whiplash and another thug took the two guards next to Steven. The Captain turned to see the two guards gone and Steven alone.

Attila came up behind him and hit him with a frying pan. Attila helped Steven out of his cuffs just as more guards burst through the door. They ran from them. They almost caught up when the mime thug stopped them. He distracted them before another thug ran at them like a bull and took them away. Steven made it out to the courtyard where he was supposed to be hanged as more guards appeared. Whiplash placed him on a waggon and told him to be in a certain position. He was confused about why he had to stand like that.

But before Whiplash could answer, a thug jumped on the waggon sending Steven flying in the air. But he stopped before he hit the ground. Levi had saved him and placed him back on the ground. Steven thanked him and was ready to make a speech but the guards had found them. Steven started running away. But there was a dead end so he tried to stop but Levi took over and made him fly. He took Steven through town and into the forest to find (Y/N). When he arrived, he tried to make sure (Y/N) was alone first by telling her to let down her hair. At first, no answer until he heard the door open and her hair fell down. But he didn't climb it because Levi flew him up.

"(Y/N)! I thought I'd never see you again!" Steven said getting through the door.

But what he saw, he may never forget. (Y/N) was chained up with a gag over her mouth.

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