You: Truth

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Part two of You. I'm not sure how many parts it will have, maybe one or two more.
Enjoy your reading! ^^
One week later

She frowned. The cold metal under her body was replaced by the softness of a mattress and the thin white sheet that had been covering her body was gone. Heavier and warmer blankets took its place. She wanted to open her eyes, but she couldn't. She was too exhausted. She felt as if she had gone through hell and back. Yoon-hee focused on her surroundings. There was a machine monitoring her heartbeats. She could also tell she was somewhere in the countryside because of the birds singing and the way the wind played with the trees. Aside from that, she couldn't hear anything else. She swallowed as she moved her feet. Her right toes moved immediately. However, her left ones sent a wave of pain to her left tight. She gasped in pain and a hand holding her right one squeezed it. Yoon-hee stopped dead. She had not realized she had company. She opened her eyes afraid the comfort she was feeling would disappear. She looked around and realized she was in what appeared to be a private hospital room. She looked out the window and noticed she was right. She was in the countryside. She swallowed as she looked down. A very familiar scent surrounded the person holding her hand. Even if she could not see the face, she knew who it was. She covered her mouth with her free hand as she tried to sit down, but the pain hit her at once. The person woke up at once.

"Oh Yoon-hee," she said, concerned. She stood up from the uncomfortable chair she had been sitting on and hurried to the redhead. Yoon-hee took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Her left leg was wounded. "Don't try to move. You need to take it easy."

"How are you alive?" she asked her through gritted teeth. She clenched her jaw hoping the pain would disappear. "You died in my arms," she added, picturing that scene to distract herself. The brunette smirked as she let go of her hand. She took the morphine and added a little bit to the IV. The nurse told her she had to give her a dose every four hours. Yoon-hee facial features relaxed instantly. The younger woman breathed with difficulty. "How did you find me?" she asked her plausibly as she opened her eyes to look at her. Ae-gyo grabbed a small white towel and stepped closer to the stretcher. She wiped away some of the sweat in Yoon-hee's forehead. The redhead looked at her. She couldn't help but think of Su-ryeon and Bae Ro-na. Her right hand went to Ae-gyo's wrist.

"Fine. Get comfortable," Ae-gyo whispered, sitting once again on the black chair. Yoon-hee nodded and sighed. Ae-gyo held her hand again as she opened her mouth to speak. "Before you ask, Su-ryeon knows that I'm alive, but that's all she knows. She doesn't know my whereabouts. The last time we saw each other was that night Dan-tae framed you," she informed her, playing with their fingers. Yoon-hee nodded. "I nearly died but that Logan guy hired some of the best American doctors and they saved me. I stayed in the United States for a long time, but I decided to come back. Oh, and no. Logan and I were not working together. I never trusted him. To be honest, I don't know why he saved me. He must have really loved Su-ryeon to save a crazy woman like me," she confessed, sarcastically.

"Did you know he died?" Yoon-hee asked her in a whisper. Ae-gyo nodded.

"Anyway, I know Dan-tae and I also know you. I knew you wouldn't stay still and that you would do everything you could to take him down and to help Su-ryeon, so I spied all of you. It was the only way to keep you safe and to be one step ahead of Dan-tae. When I heard that he was following you to that cliff you and Su-ryeon took Seo-jin, I just knew I had to go," she said, clearing her throat. Those were memories she would rather forget. Na Ae-gyo never loses control, but that fateful night she did. Yoon-hee squeezed her hand. "I saw everything...I saw how that jerk and that bitch left you to die. I-I saw you falling off the cliff. I saw how Seo-jin played the victim and how Su-ryeon screamed her lungs out trying to find you. She was so desperate. She wanted to find you so bad. She even attempted to jump off," Ae-gyo recalled, looking away. Her breathing was getting heavy. It was getting overwhelming. Yoon-hee wiped away the tears with the back of her hand. Ae-gyo stood up and walked back and forth around the room. Yoon-hee didn't say anything. She knew it wasn't easy for her to open up. The fact that she was telling her the truth and showing how she felt was too shocking.

"The moment I realized what was going to happen I called my people and asked them to wait for you in the water. The moment you fell, they were already there. They took you to the shore. When I got there, you were unconscious and your heartbeats were so low I thought I was losing you," Ae-gyo said, biting her lower lip. Yoon-hee lowered her gaze. She had no memory after falling off the cliff. She ignored the tears in her eyes as she listened to the brunette. "I gave you rescued breathing and only then your heartbeats came back to normal. We were about to take you here when Secretary Jo and his men arrived...I threatened him and he agreed to follow my plan. That's how you're here," she abruptly finished. Yoon-hee raised an eyebrow. There was something she wasn't telling her, but she wasn't going to ask her now.

"Thank you," Yoon-hee replied, looking at her. Ae-gyo nodded. "Are you keeping an eye on Ro-na and Su-ryeon?" she asked her, concerned.

"Of course, but Oh Yoon-hee, they cannot know you're alive yet. Dan-tae is a dangerous man. If he knows you're alive, he will end you for real," Ae-gyo informed her, seriously. In the blink of an eye, she was back to being cold Ae-gyo. 

"I understand and I won't tell them if and only you promise me you'll keep them safe," Yoon-hee replied, seriously. Ae-gyo nodded. "How are they doing?" she asked her, not sure if she wanted to hear the answer to that question.

"Su-ryeon will look after Ro-na, so don't worry," Ae-gyo said, sitting on the chair again. Yoon-hee bit her lip. Picturing how heartbroken her girls were felt like an arrow being shot to her heart. She remembered what Su-ryeon had told her what would happen to her if she lost her. 'I love you so much that losing you would destroy me'. Yoon-hee felt the hot tears wetting her cheeks. Knowing that Su-ryeon would cry herself to sleep just like Ro-na was too much for her. "Hey, I won't let them alone. I know Su-ryeon. She will want revenge and she will call me. If she does, I'll be able to see Ro-na and check up on her," she said, trying to make her feel better. Yoon-hee nodded but the tears didn't stop. She sobbed and Ae-gyo walked towards her. She put her arms around her and brought her to her chest. Yoon-hee moved so Ae-gyo could lay down with her. "I'll protect you and the kids. I promise you that," she was about to say something else when her phone rang. Yoon-hee pulled back. Ae-gyo cleared her throat and took a deep breath before picking up.

"Shim Su-ryeon. Yes, I heard what happened. Of course. See you there," Ae-gyo said, hanging up. Yoon-hee looked at her. "I have to meet her in two hours. I'll stay with you until the morphine kicks in and then I'm leaving. We need to take that son of a bitch down."

I wish this happened in the kdrama 😞

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