Unexplored lands

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•This chapter has explicit content.
•The idea was taken from a movie I watched some time ago. It's called "The Glass Room".

"I'm exhausted. It seems like your husband can't stand seeing me rest," Oh Yoon-hee complained, sitting next to Su-ryeon on the expensive sofa. Su-ryeon gave her a small smile as she offered her some coffee. "If I didn't know better, I would say that it is personal," she added, sipping coffee. She closed her eyes in pleasure and put the mug back on the coffee table.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Joo Dan-tae is a very ambitious man. He doesn't take no for answer," Su-ryeon said, putting the mug down and next to Yoon-hee's on the table. The younger woman sighed in resignation. "Come here and get some rest. He can't bother you out of working hours,"  she said, clapping her lap. Yoon-hee chuckled. She wanted to refuse the temping offer, but she was too tired. She decided she needed a break. Yoon-hee accepted and lay down on the sofa. Her head rested on Su-ryeon's lap as the older woman leaned back in the sofa.

"That jerk. I think he's trying to drive me crazy. He assigns me one task after another," Oh Yoon-hee said, frowning. Su-ryeon snorted. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't talk about him like that. He's still your husband, even if he doesn't deserve you," Yoon-hee apologized, covering her face with her hands in embarrassment.

"Don't apologize. He's taking it out on you because he knows we're close. I should be the one apologizing," Su-ryeon replied, grabbing one of Yoon-hee's hands so she could see her face. The younger woman met her gaze and swallowed. Even from this angle Su-ryeon managed to look beautiful. "I'm sorry," she apologized, playing with their fingers.

"Don't be. You're my lottery ticket. I would be lost without you," Oh Yoon-hee confessed, taking Su-ryeon's hand to her mouth. "Thank you," she whispered, kissing her fingertips. Su-ryeon's heart skipped a beat. It had been so long since the last time she had been this intimate with someone. She looked down at the woman supporting her head on her lap and smiled at her.

"Thank you. You've saved me in ways I thought impossible," Su-ryeon replied, blushing. Oh Yoon-hee chuckled and put Su-ryeon's hand on her chest. The older woman's eyes went to their hands and she couldn't help but notice that Yoon-hee's cleavage was more than generous. Didn't Joo Dan-tae have a dress code? She would have to check, she thought.

"You're my guardian angel," Yoon-hee said, noticing how beautiful the twins mother was. There was no doubt men and women fell under her spell without even knowing it. She, herself, had been a victim of her beauty and kindness. The way she carried herself was beyond this world. Her beauty and her exquisite manners were as charming as those of a queen. Yoon-hee squeezed Su-ryeon's hand and pressed it into her chest in gratitude. She was her treasure and she wanted to keep her close to her heart. Always.

Su-ryeon met her eyes and licked her suddenly dry lips. Something had changed. The atmosphere shifted. Yoon-hee's right hand went to Su-ryeon's right elbow as she guided her hand to the center of her chest. Yoon-hee put her left hand on top of Su-ryeon's and led the inspection to the undiscovered lands that hid underneath the thin fabric of Yoon-hee's black blouse. Su-ryeon closed her eyes at the feeling of her warm skin against her fingertips and palm. It was so soft and delicate like an apple. The forbidden fruit. Su-ryeon parted her lips and opened her eyes. She didn't want to miss a thing. She lowered her gaze and focused on Yoon-hee. She was breathing heavily and her eyes were shut in pleasure. Her lips were parted and there was a slight blush in her cheeks. She swallowed. Oh Yoon-hee must have felt her staring because her hand grasped her wrist and led her hand further to the left as if inviting her to explore the mysteries of her body. Su-ryeon bit her lip and accepted the invitation. She touched the woman's brassiere and played with it as if asking for permission to go under it. When she was met with a moan, she dared move her hand without assistance. She was about to move further when Yoon-hee opened her eyes and looked at her. Su-ryeon stopped dead and met her gaze, afraid she might scare her off.

"It's okay. I just wanted to see you," Yoon-hee replied, holding Su-ryeon's hand in place. The older woman nodded and Yoon-hee let go of her wrist. Su-ryeon licked her lips and got her hand moving again. She felt like an inexperienced explorer. She cupped Yoon-hee's left breast over the black brassiere and Yoon-hee gasped. Su-ryeon looked at her and couldn't help but smile. Maybe she wasn't as bad as she thought she was. She squeezed Yoon-hee's breast and bit her lip hard. It felt so right, so necessary. Su-ryeon withdrew her hand just enough to go under the brassier this time. Yoon-hee arched her back when Su-ryeon's long fingers caressed her aureole. The older woman's index finger drew invisible circles around it as if dancing a romantic waltz with her erect nipple. Yoon-hee gasped for air. She wanted more of Su-ryeon. Yoon-hee grabbed the collar of Su-ryeon's sweater with her free hand and forced her to lean in. She devoured her mouth with hers. Her tongue invaded Su-ryeon's mouth  and celebrated victory when the first round was over. Su-ryeon cupped her breast and squeezed it again. Her jaw dropped when Yoon-hee's nipple hardened against her hand, demanding attention. Yoon-hee moaned in her mouth and deepened the kiss. Her hand went to Su-ryeon's sweater as she rolled it down. She pulled back only to kiss Su-ryeon's bare chest. The older woman tilted her head back. Yoon-hee kissed the center of her chest and moved to her left breast. She freed the woman's breast and took it in her mouth. Su-ryeon massaged Yoon-hee's breast as a loud moan escaped her lips. Yoon-hee's tongue greeted her erect nipple. She was about to suck on it when they heard the front door opening. Both women looked at the corridor and took their original positions on the sofa as they straightened their clothes.

"Is Ro-na doing well then?" Su-ryeon asked her, clearing her throat. Her voice would give her away did she not drink some cold water. Yoon-hee smirked. She couldn't believe seconds ago she had been allowed to colonize new territory in Su-ryeon's chest. She blushed and lowered her gaze.

"Y-Yes, thank you," Oh Yoon-hee replied, taking a sip from her now cold coffee. Su-ryeon hid a smile and licked her lips. If this was how she would help Yoon-hee relax, she would happily ask her soon to be ex-husband to keep Yoon-hee in the company. Joo Dan-tae entered the room and greeted his wife before turning to Oh Yoon-hee.

"Ms. Oh, what are you doing here?" he asked her, suspiciously. He had her running errands all day and he expected her to be home by now, resting. "Where's your necklace?" he asked her, noticing that the silver piece of jewelry wasn't decorating her neck anymore. Yoon-hee frowned and looked down at her indeed bare chest. It must have fallen off during their makeup session, she thought. Su-ryeon's eyes widened. She looked around for it and spotted it under the coffee table.

"Oh, I must have lost it when I took my coat off on my way home," Oh Yoon-hee lied, standing up. Dan-tae nodded. Su-ryeon smirked. If only her husband knew what happened in the Penthouse when he was gone. "You have a lovely wife, Mr. Joo. I'll see you tomorrow at work," she said, turning around so she could steal a glance from the older woman. Su-ryeon looked away and bit her lip. She watched her go and smiled at the memory of Yoon-hee's warm hands and mouth all over her chest. She had been touched by the angels themselves. Su-ryeon was so immerse in her own thoughts that she didn't notice Joo Dan-tae watching her closely. He had only seen that smile once before and that had been when she was married to her first husband.

Don't get used to this kind of content, huh. I'm more of a drama queen lol. Can't wait to know what you think!

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