True colors

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Hello, my darlings. It's been a while. I hope you are all healthy!
Since I'm having some free time now, so I wrote this chapter. I hope you enjoy it. ♥️

Shim Su-ryeon got out of her car and entered the restaurant she heard Oh Yoon-hee was going to that night. She snorted. She couldn't believe she was actually following her, spying her, doubting her. It all started because of Logan. He informed her that he had evidence that Oh Yoon-hee had been at Hera Palace that dreadful night, however, Su-ryeon refused to believe it. She needed real proof, which was why she was there that night. She needed to see it with her own eyes. Shim Su-ryeon stepped out of the elevator and looked around. It was a fancy and exclusive restaurant. She thought Joo Dan-tae had taken her there when they were a civilized marriage. She chuckled at the memory. If only she had taken the twins and had run away when she had her chance.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Did you book a table?" the man working there asked her, seriously. Su-ryeon snapped out of her trance and nodded. He asked her what her table was and took her there. Su-ryeon thanked him and sat down. She ordered wine and once the server brought it to her, she waited patiently. Su-ryeon tapped her fingers against the table as she looked around. She had the perfect view. She could see everything from where she was sitting. Su-ryeon sighed and was about to take a sip from her wine when she spotted the familiar short auburn hair of the woman that made her stomach twirl entering the restaurant with her ex-husband, Joo Dan-tae. Su-ryeon swallowed. She wanted Logan to be wrong about Yoon-hee. She wanted him to be mistaken. She prayed to god that he was, but her prayers weren't heard, for Su-ryeon noticed the way they looked and smiled at each other. She bit her lip and dialed Oh Yoon-hee's number immediately. For some unknown reason her breathing was irregular and her heartbeats were echoing in her ears. Su-ryeon stared at Yoon-hee. The younger woman grabbed her phone and looked at the screen with widened eyes. Su-ryeon thought she saw her flinch.

"Hello?" Oh Yoon-hee answered, turning her back to Joo Dan-tae. The moment her eyes read Su-Ryeon's name across the screen, her blood ran cold. Su-ryeon. Her friend. Her savior. Her downfall. Yoon-hee clenched her jaw. She could feel Joo Dan-tae's prying eyes on her.

"Oh Yoon-hee, why are you so difficult to reach?" Su-ryeon asked her as impartially as possible. She couldn't let her know she was about to lose her mind. Not yet. "Listen, I have new information regarding Min Seol-ah's murder. Joo Dan-tae is involved. I need you to go to the police station and confess what you know," she explained to her, hoping the woman would come to her senses. Oh Yoon-hee's posture changed. Her shoulders became rigid and she sat up straight at once. She was alert now. Joo Dan-tae noticed this and put his hands on each of her shoulders before kissing her right one sonorously. Su-ryeon felt disgusted. "You're the only person I trust. Help me avenge my daughter's death."

"I'm sorry, Su-ryeon, but there's nothing I can do for you. I already told you that I don't remember what happened," Oh Yoon-hee replied, hanging up on her. Su-ryeon clenched her jaw and grasped her phone. Logan was right. Oh Yoon-hee was a backstabber. The fat tears in her eyes blurred her vision. She licked her lips and drank what was left of her wine. She was relieved to feel the liquid burning her throat on its way down. It matched the growing fire inside of her. It threatened to burn every self-control she had over herself. She closed her eyes and put the glass down when it was empty. She needed to get out of there right now or else she would do something she would definitely regret. Su-ryeon opened her eyes and looked at the happy couple making out shamelessly like teenagers. Something inside of her was on fire and she didn't even care to extinguish it. Su-ryeon poured herself another glass of wine and drank the dark liquid at once. Once the glass was empty, Su-ryeon stood up and chuckled. She shouldn't have drunk that much wine in such a short period of time. Su-ryeon grabbed her things and made her way to the bathroom. She walked in and towards the countertop. She looked at herself in the mirror. She laughed at her reflection and decided to wash some of her drunkenness away. She left her purse on the countertop and washed her face. The cold water felt so refreshing. She was so mad it was scaring her. She couldn't really recall the last time she had felt this way. Su-ryeon heard familiar footsteps approaching her. She looked up at the mirror hanging in front of her. From its wide reflection, she saw Oh Yoon-hee staring at her with folded arms. 

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